2 minute read
Under construction at strategic points in the United States are the largest all timber structures in the world.
These mammoth blimp hangars for the U. S. Navy will house the lighter-than-air fleet being assembled to fight the submarine menace. They are 1000 feet long and the curved roof is supported by arched timber trusses with a span of 240 leet and a rise of 185 feet.
Formerly, several of these great hangars were constructed of steel and it is due-solely to Teco connector engineering that they can be successfully built of wood. The large wooden superstructure, containing almost 4,000,000 feet of lumber, results in the saving of over 2,000 tons of structural steel, and with its wooden members chetrically treated to resist fire, provides a building in many respects superior to one of metal.
From the War Production Board comes the statement that "Such a structure could not have been built of wood by ordinary methods without the use of timber connectors The steel ring timber connector, which is used to increase the strength of joints in wood construction, saved more than 400,000 tons of steel for essential rvar production in 1942."
Navy engineers have achieved a notable success in the design and erection of this vast, multiple truss building, the biggest of scores of large Navy, Armv, and Maritime Commission projects built with Teco timber connectors under the revolutionary Teco system of timber engineering. During the past few years, well over 100,000 heavy duty structures, of over 600 types, have been built using the Teco connector system. They include clear span factories, docks, shipyards, 'warehouses, tanks, towers, trestles, bridges, barges and many others.
Same Car Makes Repeat Trip To Stockton Yard
Occasionally we read an article about a "repeater" meaning that a car v/ent from one mill to a certain destination and then made a repeat trip at a later date between the same point of origin and the same destination.
But here's an instance we believe will remain "uncapped" for some time to come and should be of interest to Ripley. This identical car traveled 1860 miles in the single service of one sawmill and one buyer without any intervening service.
On October L,1942, SP -41153 was loaded at Swisshome, Oregon, shipped to the Santa Fe Lumber Company, Stockton, and arrived there on October 14. The car was unloaded and released at Stockton, October 18.
On October D, L942, the same car, SP-41153 was loaded by the same mill at Swisshome, Oregon, shipped to the Santa Fe Lumber Company; Stockton, arrived there November 7 and was unloaded November 8.
The distance is 620 miles from Swisshome to Stockton.
E. A. (Ted) Wright California representative for the Washington Veneer Co., has moved his Los Angeles offices from 2L36 Sacramento Street to suite l@2 Lane Mortgage Building. The telphone number is the same, Tllcker 6888.
Sold Through LUMBER