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Redwood Fibre \(/ar Needs
The new fibre developed from the inner bark of thc California Redwoods by The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, now releases vast quantities of cotton required in the war effort, according to C. L. Thompson, head of the company's Research Division. This latest development following closely on the heels of the original discovery that Redwood fibre blends with wool in fabrics and felts, will relieve an impending shortage of cotton linters required in the making of gunpowder and explosives. This newly discovered textile fibre is described as highly resistant to moisture and humidity, thereby imparting its natural springy resilience to the material with which it is mixed.
A new era of sleeping cornfort is prophesied by the developers of this new fibrous filler. Its introduction into mattresses, comforters and pillows greatly prolongs the resilient life and utility of these essential items necessary to human comfort. It is also used with wool in soft fleecy blankets which closely approach the appearance, weight and warmth of all-wool.
Even our nation's fighting forces will benefit from this discovery for under recent studies conducted by the Army, mattresses composed oI 50/o Redwood bark fibre and the balance cotton linters were subiected to tortuous and exhaustive tests.
When the mattresses were opened and the filler carefully examined by government experts it was found that this fibrous material improves the serviceability and quality of cotton mattresses.
For countless centuries the inexhaustible uses which the gigantic Redwoods could serve were comparatively unknown. Today, however, through the untiring efforts of the scientific research on the part of The Pacific Lumber Company numerous other developments will eventually emeige from the test-tube to fill other civilian and military needs.
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