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Tlre rocds to Victory qre never smooth. We ccn help smooth these roads cnd remove some oI the iolts by lending more oI our money to purchcse sound Government securities.
Appointed San Francisco Manager Earl Bliele is SalesMcnager
Hobcrt llhl in April. He succeeds L. K. from the company staff.
Hobart Uhl, for seven years sales promotion and traffic manager at American Lumber & Treating Company's general offices in Chicago, has been appointed manager of the company's district office in San Francisco. According to a central office announcement, he will continue as adviser on transcontinental traffic problems from the West Coast. Mr.Uhl, whose experience in the lumber industry covers every step from logging to wholesale distribution, took over the new post Andrews, who has resigned
To Make Home In Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dollar were recent visitors in San Francisco. Mr. Dollar was prominent in the British Columbia lumber industry as manager of the Canadian Robert Dollar Company, and as a former director of the Western Lumber Manufacturers' Association. They are novv in Portland where they intend to make their home.
For Ingham Lumber Company
Earl Bliele, one of the best known lumber sales managers in Northwest lumber territory, is now sales manager for the Ingham Lumber Company, with mills and offices at Glendale, Oregon. This concern operates a sawmill of 150,000 capacity for an eight-hour shift, and is thoroughly modern in every particular. Their output which is mostly Fir, but also includes some Sugar Pine and Ponderosa, is splendidly manufactured. The Ingham Lumber Company is an old Kansas City outfit, that manufactured Southern Pine for many years.
Mr. Bliele started his lumber experience in the South, working for the Central Coal & Coke Company under Charles Keith, at their once big Pine mill at Carson, Louisiana. When the Keiths started construction of their big Fir mill at Vernonia, Oregon, Mr. Bliele was sent there as timber dock and shipping foreman, where he learned a lot about Fir and the Fir business. When the depression closed Vernonia he moved to Westfir, Oregon, and joined the Westfir Lumber Company, soon being made sales manager for that concern. He held that position for the past seven years, and recently accepted an offer from the Ingham Lumber Company at Glendale. Ward A. Ingham is president and general manager at Glendale.
Hardwood Logs
OPA prohibits the practice of selling lower grade hardwood logs at prices higher than those for prime grades (MPR 348, Amendment2), effective May 1.