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publistrred tst and lstt of 3rt-19-20 central Buildins, west sixth stet, l-or
Published the tgt md lSth of each nonth at lOE_ West Sixth Stet, l-or Angelea, Cal., Tetephone, \ cod-ds F, iUEz,;t rh; pcrifite'lt Angeles, Califmla, under Act of Mfth 3. lS?0.
How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir. .A, large proportion of the lumber millr in the Douglas fir region are finding it necessar5r to curtail their prod'uction for an extended period, according to advices received by the Wect Coast Lumbermen's As$ociation. Large inventoriec, decreared demand from practically all important markets and operating locses under present conditions are given by the Aesociation as the causeE.
A number of mills which normally operate two shifts have indicated their intention of reducing to a one shift basis in the near future. Other will reduce their cutting scheduler to four or five days a week. M.rry aingle shift mills are now operating at five days a week, or otherrpise cnrtailing their production, and more will undoubtedly follow suit. A considerable number of mills have closed down for the time being. Since January 1 the West Coast lumber industry has operated, on the average, at somewhat less than 7O per cent of its nonnal capacity; and the Association estimates that these further reductions will place the average output at less than 6O per cent of capacity.
Curtailment which is now being carried out by mills which represents about 8O per cent of the total production in Washington and Oregon has already had a slight effect on prices. No. 3 Gommon is SOc to $1.OO stronger. Lath ig a little stronger but Clears show no change in prices. Some items in Comrnons are acarce, particularly 2x4, and are stronger. It is difficult to get protection on cutting orders at t'he mills, there is more inquiry and more busineEs is being actually placed. There is a fairly good volume of business being placed in the California market but prices continue entirely too low and are rmprofitable. Unsold stocks at San Pedro on May 28 totaled 7,O28r0O0 feet, a considerable decrease as compard to two weeks ago. 39 vessels in the coast-wise service are tied up, and one vessel is openating off-shore.
Redwood. Manufacturers report that the tone of the market is improved, and the outlook for buciness during thc second half of the year is a little better. For the week eidea lulay-17, the California Redwood Ascociation reported production from 13 millr as 618571000 feet, shipmentr'Sr 991'OOO feet, and orders 8rl3ZrO0O feet. aSaaa*a88*A
California White and Sugar Pine. Reporte of the Cali- fornia 'White and Sugar Pine Acsociation show t{rat pro$'uctign for the period Janrnry 1 to May f Z ir Bg per cent les.r ttran for sarne pgriod last year, and for t{re camc period shipments shor,rrs a decrease ol 22.2 per cqrt, and orden a decrease of 2O.6 per cent. Stockr on hand at the millr on $ay 17 show an increaae of 9.5 per cent over the figurer at the sa,me date lart year. For thi wee& ended May1Z, the 4:t"gr9!iq reported production from 18 millr- as'19,qqg,ggg feet, shipments 15,171,OOO feet and orderr 13r566,0OO feet.
For the first twenty weekc of 1930, bared on reports received from the regional acsociations to the National Lurnber Manufacturerr Asrociation, the current relationirhip of shipm-ents and orders to production ir ar follorw: '
West Coast Lumberrnents Association-productbn 3r?qg,qqt M t"a; Shipments 3,OO?,O19 M feet; Orden 3,- 065,579 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Arcociation-produc49ry ?!e,976 M feet; Shipmentr 4ll,490 M feet; Oders 424,811 M feet. .
C.alifornia Redwood ArsociationProduction lElrESE M fq.t; Shipments 133,923 M feet; Orders 13Z,865 M i€c,t Southenr Pine Arsociation-Production f;2lZrSlO M feet; Shipmenb 1,1271427 M feet; Orden frfZgrOf+ M feet.
Total Hardwoods-Production g04rg82 M feet; Ship- rnents 760,272 M feet; Orderr 748,579 M feet.
Oakmont Country Club, Glendale, California
Friday, June 6, l93O
Sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
Luncheon will be served from 11:30 to 1:00 P. M. at the Club Flouse Dinner will be served at 6z3O P.M. Sharp
This tournament is open to all lumbermen of Southern California and visiting Lumbemen. Make your reservations through Ed. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. Telelhone VAndike 4565.
, Committee HARRY HANSON, Chairman DON PHILPS