3 minute read
When the I)ealer Says "Seruice"
A quality product is the first requisite towards dealer satisfactiop-$sl back of such a standard there must be an organization ProPerly geared to render a cooperative and helpful service that is in full keeping with the buyer's needs.
'Hammondts organization represents a complete link of lumber facilities from sawmill to yard. ft provides a definite service that is as dependable as the product itself. It means a guarantee of speedy shipment and of adequate means to handle any siz.e of an order for any grade of West Coast Forest products.
Mills: Samoa, Calif.; Mill Citn Ore.; Gadbaldi, Ore. Sdes Ofices
- Chicago - New York
(The Clearlng Houce)
This Column of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon TheFellow Who Wants to Buy TheFellow Who Wants to Sell TheFellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate:. E2.s0 pq cdurnn inch
TheFellow Who Wants to Be Hired
For Sale
Planing Mill, Maclllnery and Stock. Will dispose of our entire stock of windows, doors, glass and kilrl dried mill stock; also modern machinery. New 3 years ago. Office equipment. Will sell by unit or as a whole. Property 325 ft. x 150 ft. with Santa Fe trackage. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
Wanted Position
Young man,26 years of age, five years' experience wholesale lumber-familiar with all details, logging, manufacture, selling and office-desires position in Philippines or South America with importing company. Best of references. Address Box C-331, California Lumber Merchant.
Employment Wanted
An experienced lumber salesman and estimator desires employment. Reasonable. A-1 references anil bond. Address Box C-332 care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Complete Planing Mill plant and business of going concern. Will sell as a whole, or will sell inventory at market and lease building and equipment. Plant located fifty miles from .San Francisco in prosperous agricultural and resort section. Has been established fifteen years; certified by Millwork institute ; patronized by leading contractors to exclusion of competing mills and yards. Owner, age 66, desireg to retire account of health. $10,000 will handle deal. Address Box 334, California Lumber Merchant.
Red Danger Flags
plstgrca ""4 *ItT.rIi"$9 speciar prosr In Qmntitiea Fre 25 Up Prica m Appllatim
llE No. Cedar St.GlendalePhonc, Douglu f554.M
California Lumberman With Management And Executive Ability Wants Position
California lumberman with executive ability and with fifteen years practical experience in the logging, mill, wholesale and retail ends of the business is open for a position with a progressive lumber,company where respon-. sibility and initiative is essential. Position must have good future prospects. At present employed and for the past ten years has been manager and sales manager of large metropolitan wholesale and retail yard in California. Extensive acquaintanceship with lumber executives, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers on the Pacific Coast. Will consider going to Orient, Central or South American countries. Address Box C-330. Care California Lumber Mer'chant.

This is me. I need work--rvife, kids, landlord and grocer needs the money. You need an experienced lumberman that can sell and estimate-install, audit and keep bookspile and grade lumber-manage a yard, or handle cementAnything. Lumbermen have kept family and me for l0 years-your turn now. Good looking, good manners and character-bum reputation-3? years old and large for my age-$l50.00 per month-no less. Prefer small town where I will be found out. Address Box C-335, California Lumber Merchant.
Vestern Loggttg, Lumbet and Vood Using fndustty. 1930 Edition Now Ready
Covdts all states rtfest of the RocLies, British Columbia, Alaska, Philippines and l{awaii. fndustries include Logging Operations, Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Woodworkers, lfood Preserving Plants, Manufacturers of Bores and Box.Shooks, Cross Arms, Sash, Doors, Fram.es, Flandles, Excelsior, Veneer, Cooperage, Furniture, Pulp and Paper, Lumber Wholeralerr, Brokers, Buyers, Company General Stores, Company Hotels, Camp Cornmissariee, Camp Mess or Boarding Houses and County Commis. sioners.
Abbey's Register is not simply a directory of leading operations, but lists both large and small; consequently, it contains approximately l0o/o more names than. any similar book published. There are many splendid selling and buying opportunitiea among thc srnall and medium sized operations.
Abbey's Register shows personnel, capacity, equipment, species of wood sawed and all other information necersary to enable the seller to select prospects intelligently, and buyers to place orders and inquiries with an understanding of what the mill can supply.
.{bbey's, with its 528 pages and over 10,000 listings, makes an "open book" of the vast lVestern Lumbcr fndustry.
Order your copy today.
Sherloc& Building
Pordand, Orcgon