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Ff. Sewall Morton
H. Sewall lVtorton,-prcrident of Hill & Morton" lnc., Oaklandn wg born end reircd in san Francieco. Hc graduated from Lowcll High School and entcrcd Belmont Military Scho-ol !o prcptrc for Stauford, but the ntg"-to cntcr borine". w.. too .trong and hc remained at the univcraity terl than a ycir, loaving to worL f"t hie frthcr], w. R. Morton, head o!_tf,_e Morton Dray & walehourc co.irnd M"tt". sp""i"i p"- llvery. Hc rtayed with hir fathcr in tle tranrportation burinc.r up to thc timc of thc 6re.
_ _Early in l9l)7, the ycer after the 6re, he dccidcd that he wanted to lcern the lupfcr burincu, and that he wanted to start in thc rawmilt cni of th" g"-", ro hc got a job with the Madera sugar Pine co. in their rawmilln and efter -"it i"g iJ thi; yearr in vario-ur departmrentr of thcir burincr returncd to Sen Francircol whcre hc becsmc arociated with__Potterd & Company, wholerale lumbcrmen, -f"'i" ."r"i rtcam echoonert to the Northwcrt. He rcmaincd with thir concern .until thcy cloecd their office.
^ Then f-ollowed a pcriod of 10 ycars with thc Char. Neleoa Co., rnd Sulrct Lunrber $, ". aarietaut rnaDagcr -of the latter concern. Six yeare of thir ii-" *"r" apcnt on the rold relling lumbcr for both 6rma, Hir tcrritory war from Rcdding rluth to san Luir__obiepo, and neither the roads nor the automlbilee *"re ".ry gooi i11 tio.. day!. He rccallg that hic Maxwell Mercury grv€ a3 good rervicl, -and ar little troublc a3 mo3t of the other makee in thoec "!et-out and lct under" d;y;- fl- ra"t f-our-yean of thir period^w-c_re rpent inaiilc, ii hie cepccitiy ar agirteoi m"o.g"r of the Sunret Lumbcr Co. Oaklaud
In l9lE Mr. Morton went into the wholerale lumber burincre with L. S. Hill in Oakland, under the 6rm name of Hill & Morton, and hae becn very active in con- ducting e cargo and rail burinese up to the pt"..ni d"t..
He war married in l9l5 to Miee Flora M. Mceuarrie, and livea in oakland, which he belicver ir dertined to bc one of thc largert ciiier in the 'lvcrt. He ir a ic-b", of the Athenr Athletic Club, and of the Elkr, In hir rchoot deyr he war noted for hir speed in rprint racea on thc-track,_and !e rhowed more tlen avcrage ability in tennir and bareball, but now hir athletic effortc arc rnainly confined to-hunting-and fiahing, which are hir hobbier.
Hc ic an active worker in Hoo Hoo, ir vicegerent snarL of thc Golden Gate Di:-trict, and a rtr-ong believer in the idea that if men in the rarne line of burincl will^ sit doyl a1{ enjoy _themeelver rocially togcther occarionslln thir bettcr ic- quaintanceehip will inevitably lead to irnproved burineu relationr.
Ar preeident of the_ Ehat Bav Hoo Hoo club No. 3g in r92E-291 hc had a big part in building up the mbmbcrrhip of thir organization.
H. Sewall Morton ie one of the mort likablc of mann and hc holdr the erteem and affcction of a large nr;mber of hig fellow lumbcrrnen.
Kenneth Smith With Hardwood Flooring Bureau
Kenneth Smith is now carrying.on some special work for the Los Angeles Hardwood Flooring Bureau with headgu?+_ers at 6420 Avalon boulevard. The telephone number is YOrk 9131. Mr. Smith has just complefed a vacation trip in Arizona which was followed by a'three weeks' triD to the Northwest.
Fire destroyed the office building and a small warehouse at the yard of the White Lumber Co., Santa Rosa. May 21.
George Adams Returns From Southern California Trip
George Adams, Noah Adams Lumber Co., Walnut Grove, is back o"^t!tg jop agqin after a two months, sojourh in Sou,thern California. While in the Southland, he visited in San Diego, Los Angeles and Pasadena.
' .T.J-. Butcher o.f New York City, but formerly connected with the lumber industry in the Northwest, hai purchased the T. G. Hersum Lumber Co. at Chula Vista. ^The new firm is to be known as the South Bay Lumber Co., Ltd.