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Arizona Lumbermen Hold Annual at Douglas
Joe W. Tardy, Elected Presidmt
'f Joe W. Tardy, Douglas Lumber Co., phoenix, was elected president of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona at the thirteenth annual convention held at Douglas, Arizona, on Y"y 9, l0 and 11. W. F. Edens, Cottonw6od'Lumber'Co., Cottonwood, was'elected vice-president and E. H. Wheat, Phoenix, secretary-treasurer. The following were elected to serve as directors: Irving Jennings, Jennings Lumber
9o- ?o-ugt"li L. _H, DeMund, DeMund Lumber eo., yuma; J. A. Mulcahy, Mulcahy Lumber Co., Tucson; Frank Tutt, lohn H. Wood, Retiring Presiden|
V. Baker, former secretary, for the excellent work accomplished during his three years in office and wishing him success in his new business venture; expressing tlanks t_o the City of Douglas and the Arizona Gypsum Plaster Co. for their help during the convention; condemning the unethical practice of certain yards not members of the-Club of violating the territory of other legitimate retail dealers; expressing respect and sorrow for the families of members who died during the past year-these members being Ray Pearson, Francis C. Groves and John A. McNary-. The next annual meeting will be held- at Yuma during April, 1931, the exact date to be determined later.
Immediately following the business session, a Hoo Hoo concatenation was held at the Elks' Club. The following Kittens emerged from the onion patch with their taili properly curled: J. C. Raymond, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, Phoenix; George Reitzer, Duncan Lumber & Improvement Co., Duncan; E. G. Lewis, FoxworthGalbraith Lumber Co., Ray; and Claude C. Mitchell, Douglas Lumber Co., Douglas.
The luncheon for the ladies on Thursday, May 9, was held at the Gadsden Hotel with about 35 -being- present. Thursday evening, at 7 :30 p.ft., o banquet for the-Hbo Hoo me-mbers_ and guests was held at the Social Club, Agua Prieta, Mexico.
Jgrgme Lumber Co., Jerome; and John C. Light, NormanLight Lumber Co., Miami.
Headquarters for the convention were at the Gadsden Hotel where the regist,ration of the members and their guests was held on the morning of May 9. At 11 a.m. there was a meeting of the Nominations and Recommendations Committee.
The business meeting, which was open to Arizona retailers only-, was held on Thursday afteinoon, May 9. The reports of Secretary E. H. Wheat and the various committees were read and adopted. Egan W. Jones, Wheeling Corrugated Co., read a paper deiling with rates, weighti and mixtures of flat and corrugated theets, formed miterials, nails, wire, etc. Mr. Jon-s cited certain discriminations that are affecting the Aiizona dealers and promised his aid.in bringing about better conditions which will compare with those existing in neighboring states. A committee was appointed to work with Mr. Jones and aid will be solicited from those handling such lommodities. Acting on the suggestion of Secretary E. H. Wheat, a committee"Was appointed to work with the next legislature in an effort to obtain a new lien law, a state housing act, a notice of completion law and a law compelling the bonding of contrac'tors on state and municipal work. The Club went on record as favoring some action that will bring relief from the insurance rates prescribed by the Arizoni'Workmeds Uompensation Act and Secretary Wheat was instrircted to take whatever action he deemed necessarv.
Resolutions were adopted expressing ihanks to Robert l-o!n.A. Johnson, John A. Johnson Lumber Co., phoenix, and Arizona Lumber & Timber Co., Flagstafi, read a paper on the manufacturing end of the lumbdr industry in Arizona giving the lumber production figures since 1882. Mr. Johnson's address contained many-facts and figures of interest to all lumbermen.
Friday _morning, May 10, the members were brought logether by the Douglas Boy Scout Band, consisting-of 35 members, which played in the hotel lobby for an h-our. The general meeting, ivhich was open to jll, was called to order at 1O:0O a.m.
^4. C. Horner, San Francisco, manager of the Western office, and J. E. Mackie, fieldman, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, addressed the meeting on the trade promotion work and other activities being iarried on by the National.
--A._C. Baker, Los Angeles, and J. C. Raymond, phoenix, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, put on a dialogue .that was inte-resting and educational. Mr. Raymond ac-led the part of the moss-back dealer of Tombstone while Mr. Faker repres'ented the progressive insurance salesman try- ing to_ save his client some money. Many excellent ideis were brought out and the act went ovei big, in fact, it looks as though "Amos and Andy" are going io harr. some real competition from now on.
E. U. -Wheelock, E. U. Wheelock, Inc., Los Angeles, gave an excellent talk on present conditions in the l-umbei industry.and an outline of what has gone on before, also a prediction that "this too shall pass.t
The annual dinner dance wis held Friday evening at (Continued on Page 17)
SouthernCalifornia Lumbermen to Play Golf
The lumbermen of Southern California will hold a golf tournament on Friday afternoon, June 6, at the Oakmont Country Club, Glendale. The tournament is open to all lumbermen of Southern California and visiting lumbermen. The prizes include the Frank Burnaby and The California Lumber Merchant trophies for the winners of the low gross and low net scores-these cups becoming tle prop6rty of the players who win them twice. First and second prizes will be-awarded to the winners of the four Flight Events.
Luncheon will be served at the club house from 11:30 to 1 p.-. Play r,r'ill start at 12:30 p.m. 11 lhe evening there will be a banquet which will start at 6:30 p.m. sharp.
Guy Wallace
Guy Wallace, for the past year purchasing agent at -the Los Angeles plant of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., died at I os Angeles on May 13. He is survive4 b-1 a-wife- ard five children. He was connected with the E. K. Wood Co. since 1906 when he went with his uncle, the founder of the company which bears his name, the late E. K. Wood, at Bellinghim, Wash. Since that time, he held various positions with the company at their several Pacific Coast operations. Funeral services were held at Los Angeles on IVIay 15.
New Building and Loan Associations Orga nize in California
Several new building and loan associations appear on the horizon, all in the souihern part of California. Permission has been given by Chas. A. Whitmore, State Buildilg ana Loan Commissioner, for the organization of the following associations, according to a report of the California Building-Loan [.eague.
Royal Building-Loan Association. to be located in South San Gabriel. Lee C. Reed of Pasadena. secretary and manager of the Crown Building and Loan Association, pres.id-ent, and L. A. Daily, formerly in the banking business in Baldwin Park, manager.

Glendale Guarantee Building and Loan Association; authorized capital ahd surplus, $55,000.
Balboa Building and Loan Association, San Diego; authorized capital and surplus, $110,00O: W. H. Fraser of Fraser Mortgage Company, president; M. P. Duffield. secretary.
West I-os Angeles Guarantee Building-Loan Association; authorized capital and surplus, $62,500; F. C. Wilson is one of the principal organizers, together with R. F. Barnett and F. H. Hamilton.
Valley Wide Building-Loan Association, El Centro; authorized capital and surplus, $57,500. The three incorporators are E. E. Pratt, Los Angeles; A. W. Hamilton, Covina, and J. J. Kilrain, Walnut Park.
C. W. Hornibrook, sales manager for the Ewauna Box Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., was a Los Angeles visitor around the middle of the month, where he spent several days calling on the trade.