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Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club

By special invitation members of the California Redwood Association turned the regular May meeting of the club heid at the Hotel Senator, Sacram"nio, on M?y lZth, into Redwood Day.

Fred \r. Holmes, of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., was chairman of the day, and in his talk gave a brief out- line of the good work being clone by thE manufacturers' and'retailers' relationship committee, starting with the idea behind the formation of [hese, telling rvhat his already been accomplished, and the various programs now under-way.

.R { Hammatt, se,cretary-manager of the Association, told of the increased use ol struciural Redwood in State and County bridge projects.

YuT E. Cook, farmstead engineer, in charge of the Association's agriculturai service department, describecl the new_ standard patterns of Redwood furrow tubes, and told of the gratifying interest being shown by dealers in this line, and also announced the new agricultiral bulletins and s.upplementary helps rvhich are now available as part of the Association's agricultural service.

. C. E. De Carnp, vice-president of the Rechvoocl Manufacturers Co., stressed the fact that the Redwood industrv is purely a California industry, and that therefore closer co- operation between retailers of lumber and the Redwood manufacturers will result in actual benefits to all concerned.

In. the general discussion which followed the general o1lillon seemed to be that the consumption of Redliood in California can be materially increased, and that through Plo.pgr co_operation there is much that can be accomplished vl'hich lvill benefit both retailer and manufacturer.

Retailers who took part in the discussion in,cluded, E. T. Itobie, Arrburn Lumber Co., Auburn; Jo H. Shepard, Friend & Terrr- I-umber Co., Sacra.mento;-E. S. McB-ride, Davis Lr.rml:er Co., Davis, and T. F. Holmes. Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland.

Door prizes rvere awarded as follows: Beautiful framed picture of a Redrvood forest, won by Fred Burgers, IJnion Lumber Co.; Sancl-blasted plaque,-spanish Gilleon, won lry Nf E. Coulter, If enry Cowell Lime-& Cement Co.; Cash prize, won by Chet Minard, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co.

President J. Ir. Holmes presided, and at the con,clusion of._th9 program announced that the June meeting of the club rvill be the last to be held before the summeirecess, and that the {irst meeting in the fall, to be held September 20 a.t the Universitl' Farm at Davis, will be an all-day farm buildinq conference, all arrangements for which wili be in charge of E. S. ndcBride, of Davis.

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