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Geor$e R. Hicks Elected Head S. F. Firm Sells One Billion of Pickering Lumber Co.
-9"o€"-R. Hicks, of Kansas City, was elected president of the lickering. Lumber Company, at a meeting hild April 26 in Kansas City, to succeed \\i. A. pickerin[, who d-ied Aoril 15.
Russell C. Pickering, soll of the late presiclent, and the third generation to engage in the lumber business, tvas named vice-oresident.
The directbrs, including the newly elected members ol the board are, George R. Hicks, Russ-ell C. Pickerine, T. M. Barham, .fesse Anclrervs, P. H. Neyhart, J. W. Deal, all of Kansas City, and D. H. Steinmetz of San Francisco.
The new president is also president of the BowmanHicks Lumber Companr', Kansis City.
The Western operations of the compally are under the direction of Mr. Steinmetz.