3 minute read
Redwood Furrow Tu bes Recommended by Irrigation Authorities
Reproduced below are illustrations of the new standard patterns of Redwood Furrow Tubes, (for ditch to furrow irriga.tion), taken from the new Agriculiural Series Cir,cular No. I of the California Redwood Association.
Imbodied i4 the designs are all of the important features as determined on by interested retail dealers and Redwood mills. The four standard patterns included are recommended by University of California, Division of Irrigation Investigation and Practice, as sufficient to meet all "ordinary requirements.
The market for these tubes is very largely undeveloped. Where dealers have featured them, ttre aeirana for them'has greatly_increased, and some very satisfactory business has resulted. As an example of whit is possible, one dealer in the Imperial Valley sold 300,000 tubes in 1929. This is equivalent to about 200,000 feet of Redwood, or 10 carloads, rvhich is a lot of business for a single specialty item.
Dealers advocating the use of Redwo6d F-urrow-Tubes can depend on the support of Farm Advisors, Agri,cultural E,ngineers, Extension Service workers, and otherslnteiested in the economical distribution of water.
These four tubes were recently submitted to a number of tests in the outdoor hydraulic Laboratory at University f"J-, Davis, Calif. To-determine capacitiJs under """r"!"" field conditions each tube was tested in lengths of Z fe?i and 4 feet under heads of 2 inches and 6 inchis.
The following table gives the approximate capacities as determrned by these tests, making this valuable information availabie to farmers for the first tfme:
_. Cross Sectional rDischargc ..,Size Area (Sq. In.) (Gallons pii tftinute) fi" round. -.44 1Ui"-i --:--' l".round .78 5' to 9 1r7$" round. .g 6 to ll l"x?' oval l./B 11 to Z) f450 gallons _per minute:sO customary miners.inches:l flbic foot per second :1 acre-inch per hour.
Dealers can obtain the two-page circular referred to above for distribution to their tiade, with their name and address, gr any four lines overprinted, at nominal cost from the California Redwood Association,24 Calif.ornia St., San Francisco.
Pattern No. 512
Built-In Fixture Manufacturer Expresses Optimism
"Business with us is better, thank you," said Ray B' Cox, general manager qf the Built-In-Fixture Co', of Berkeley, iecently to a representative of this paper.
"This is mainly due to the fact that old home improvement and home modernizing are creating an important market for built-in furniture. Architects, dealers and conttactors are paying more attention to this market, and manu{acturers of ttris iquipment are in a splendid position to serv€ such a demand because of consumer acceptance ot a standardized, product.
"standardization has made it possible for the manufacturer to apply modern selling an-d distribution methods in marketing built-in equiPment.
"Our sales last year were equal to those of the previous year, in spite of a falling ofi experienced in the latter part of ttte yea.. Business for the first four months of this.year has be-en satisfactory, and the outlook for future business is excellent."
Ninety Attend Bast Bay Hoo Hoo Club Dinner
Ninety members and guests sat down to dinner at the regular monthly meeting- of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39; held at the Athens Athletic Club on Monday evening, May 12.
President Bert Bryan presided, and in his opening remarks expressed his appreciation of the fine attendance'
H. Sewall Morton toot< the gavel for the roll call, and.in his usual good humored fashion livened up this part of the evening.
C. W. "Bill" Lannom, who was to have been chairman of the evening, was indisposed and Rod Hendrickson acted as pinch hitter in this caPacitY.
Maior A. P. Simmondsl F.A.G.S., was the speaker of the evening. and his talk on his experien'ces in a recent trek a'cross l,abrador proved most inferesting. M,"ty incidents of a blood-curdiing nature were related -by this abl.e sDeaker, who in the course of his trip traveled ovef terrttory on which no human foot ever trod.
Fresident Bryan reminded all those present of the big '49 night to be given by this club on Monday eVening, Tune 9.
Arizona Annual
(Continued from Page 12)
7:00 o'clock, at the Social Club, Agua Prieta, Mexico, and was an enjoyable afiair and largely- attended'
Sunday,"May 11, was a day of golf, impromptu meeting.s in the trttet and going home. The convention was well attended, about 156 being present, 30 of whom lvere ladies' Telegrams were received -from various California wholesaleri who were unable to attend, and an invitation was extended to the visiting lumbermen by the Arizona Gypsum Plaster Co. to visil and inspect their new plant'
The'committee in charge of the entertainment included the following: John H. Wood, Lowell; Emil Marks, Lowe4; T. R. Hendbttott, Warren; Albert Stacy, Douglas; R' E' "Webster, Douglas; and Irving Jennings, Do-uglas' Itrrsl J' H. Wood, MrJ. Albert Stacy, Mrs. Irving Jennings, Mrs-' Emil Marks, Mrs. R. E. Webster, Mrs. George Dawe and Mrs. L. S. Palmer acted as the ladies' entertainment committee.