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State Association
cover the material already available in the way of types of homes alrerdy built that have possibilities of being-made more popular, and to do this a census of all the best looking rvooden homes in the State will be taken, which wrll give the committee a wealth of material to rvork rvith, and from which to pick a selected group of hornes.
During the next thirty days a drive- will be made to cornplete this census. Every retailer in the state has been circularizecl by the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, requesting that they make a list of the most attractive rvooden homes in their territory. A11 Redwood salesmen have been requested by their firms to be prepared to follon' up these lisfs rvith the retailers, to take pictirres ancl turn in the material to R..W. Smith, California Redrvood '\ssociation, 24 California Street, San F'ran.cisco. The preliminary pictures may be of any size. Homes ultimate- ly selected by the committee will be photographed again bv a commercial photographer.
It is believed that this project nor.v being worked out by the retailers will prove most interesting, and that it will help to stirnnlate residential construction of the better tvoe.
Directors Californians Atten
Directors of the Northern District of the California lle- tail Lumbermen's Association met at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, May 24. President H. A. Lake and D. C. Essley, manag'er of the association were in attendance, ancl the_Jollowing directors were present: E. T. Robie, .r\ubnrn; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno; Chas. G. Bird, Stockton ; E,lmer Ellis, Palo Alto; C. H. Griffin, Jr., Santa Cruz; NI. A. lfarris, San Francisco; Iilmore King, Ilakersfielcl, ancl A. NL S. Pearce. Oakland.
E. T. Robie, r'ice-presiclent of the Northern l)istrict presided.
Reports of the various committees lvere received and discussed, but the chief subject discussed at the rneeting was the matter of credit stabilization, and as a result the directols decicled to make a sllrvey of the credit sitrration throughout California.