1 minute read
The Small Order Makes the Bis Fortune
The wise man says: "!7hen big business is slow get busy hauling in the small orders."
The still wiser man says: "The small order is ALWAYS desirable business and should NEVER be neglected, regardless of how the big game hunting is going."
Remember that F. W. Woolworth piled up a fortune of f,6),000,000 selling articles for I and l0 cents each.
There is a tremendous amount of business to be had in the building game in the shape of small orders.
The fact that this sort of business has to be created and produced is the fence that the average dealer hesitates to climb.
There is not a household anywhere where "a board and a nail and a can of paint" is not needed. 'l07hether it is ITANTED or not depends,on the efforts of the merchant in calling attention to the NEED.
This is especially true in spring and early summer when the sunshiny days point out dull spots that might be brightened, and vacancies that might be filled.
Thete are a thousand and one things that a few boards can be made to do around the average home.
And when you hesitate, Mr. Dealer, to start a little campaign to develop this class of business . remember Mr. ItrToolwotth.