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Frank O'Connor
Franh J. O'Connor
Frank J. O'Connor, manager of the Donovan Lumber Company, and vi.ce-presidenf of the marine committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, was the guest of honor at a banquet tendered by fellow members of the Shioowners' AssoCiation of the Pa'cific Coast, of which he has been president for eight consecutive years, at the Pacific Union Club, San Francisco, on the evening of May 22.
In recognition of Mr. O'Connor's services in this office he was presented with a beautiful and costly silver service. The presentation was made by Ralph Myers, of HobbsWall & Co., who expressed to him the appreciation of the members for his splendid work in behalf of the organization.
Those who attended the banquet were Ralph l\{yers and W. J. Hotchkiss, Hobbs-Wall & Co.; A. B. Hammond, Ilammond Lumber Co.; C. R. Johnson, Union Lumber Co.; James Tyson, Chas. Nelson Co.; Nat Levin, se'cretary Shipowners' Association; Harry Vincent and C. B. McElroy, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; John Reed and Walter Ball, J. R. Hanify Co.; John M,cCabe, Andrew F. Mahoney Lumber Co.; J. Walter Kelly and Joseph Lunny, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.; Henry Faull, Hammond Lumber Co.; Frank Lawler and Ernest McMahon, Sudden & Christenson; Fred Barg and William Barg, Hart-Wood Lbr. Co.; Bert Johnson, A. B. Johnson Lbr. Co.; Dare Freeman, S. S. Freeman Co.; W. R. Chamberlin, E. A. Chamberlin and J. E. Peggs, W. R. Chamberlin & Co.; Fred Baxter, J. H. Baxter & Co.; Capt. Leb Curtis, Pillsbury & Curtis; Fletcher Monson, General Engineering & Dry Dock Co., and John C. Rolphs, Standard Oil Co.
Leonard Howarth
Leonard }fowarth, who retired recently as first vi,cepresident and treasurer of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, on account of ill health, died at his home in Santa Rosa, Calif., on May 12, at the age of. 64. Mr. Howarth was a native of England, and came to the United States in 1889. Ffe came to Tacoma in 1891, and since that time had been identified with the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. up to the date of his retirement.
A. C. Horner, manager of the \Mestern Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, returned to San Francisco May 13, from a month's trip to the East, in the course of which he attended the annual meeting of the aisociation and the meetings of the techni'cal advisory committee in Chicago, and spent a week in Washington. Otr the way home he attended the annual convention of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona, May 9 to 11, at Douglas, Ariz where he was one of the speakers.
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T) UILDERS, arclitectc, ho-.U o*o"t" consiJer tLe narne "W'e"ret-Ifeo.y *hen th"y thioL of "oofiog materials. That concideration io juetified. Fot'W'e"t"tIf*.y toofirrg receivec a dictinction....tLe finect roofing that ecierrce "rrd raateriale c"o p"odrrce. Dealetc *Lo h"odl. \ife"t"t. Ifeo.y products combat oo Ligh sales resistao"e. Theit e"les contioue to increaee....witL the popularity of 'W'."r"t-ffeaty toofiog.