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New Profit Possibilities for the Retail Lumber Dealer
'flirough a cliscovery made rvithin the last year an entire r.rerv fielcl has been opened up to the lumber merchant which holcls possibilities for aclditional profitable business that as yet are only faintly realized. This field is that of the floor
Presdu'ood, forms a combination that makes an icleal floor covering. Orving to the extreme hardness of Presdwood, the problen.r of finding a suitable finish was a difficult one, and this was solved only by the use of Inwood. which has a penetrating property' -thai permits the finish to become an integral part of the base, and not mereiy a surface film that must be renerved each year.
This finish is said to improve rvith age, and many exatnples can be shown where tl-ris one coat floor finish has scrved for as long as eight years lvithout rener.val.
Presdwood as is generally known is an all-rvood product, and being easiiv rvorked into any pattern, and finished in a vatietv of Inrvoocl colors, the lumber dealer is norv in a position to compete successfully r.vith linoleum and rubber for the floor covering ltusiness, r.vith an all-u'ood product, that is drrraltle, attractive and economical.
Recently the San Jose Lumber Co., San Jose, lvas {ortutrate in olttaining a contract to furnish 62,000 square feet of Irru'oo.l lilri r'-r'.r pr:s,rlrvoocl flooring in cornPetition with Iirroleum. This job included 62,0ffi feet of Misonite quar1et- boar rl l;ricl under the Preschvood as an insulator and sound deadener. Both of these were laid over concrete u.aterp:oofed by Inrvood. The amount ol, the contract, u'hich rvas for floors in neiv buildings of the University of Santa Clara, was approxirnately $22,000. In this case the insulation and lorv maintenance cost were t\\,o factors greatly in favor of the wood product.
In'tuood-fitti.rhed -1[tsottitt Prcst]tt'ood floor in sociol rctour of tltc []ottl Entbassy, Son Fran.cisco. covering irusiness, in competition u'ith such coverillgs as linoleurn ancl rubl>er tile in particular.
This cliscovery was that ir.rwoocl trinish, knou,n ior the past l6 years as a superior wood finish, applied to Masonite
New Pickering President Visits California
George Il. Hicks, of Kansas City, presiclent of the lrickering l,umlter Company, and Jesse Andreu,s, <lirector and general counsel for the company, recently spent a week in California, when they visited the San F'rancisco offices, and inspected the company's sawrnills at Standarcl and Tuolomne, and the sash and door plant at Sonorzr.
Inrvocicl is not only a rvoocl finish, but has a wide rat.rge oi uses, being applicable to cement, magnesite and all po1ous material. ln the case of cement it not onlv wateroroofs but l.rarclens and seals the surface to the_point thai it is impervirlus to oils and grinding <lirt, and is dust proof.
'I'he Hills-Flamiiton Co., of 2@ Davis St., San Francisco, are exclusive distributors of Inwood.
_ Hcmer T. Hayward, of the llomer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, left recently to spend the summer months at his summer home in Colorado.
-Llarrv llope, formerly with the D & S Lurnber Co., Mountain Vielr., is norv associated with the Progress Lumber Co., Redwood City.