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National Directors and Committees

To Meet June 2'.4

Washington, D. C., May 13.-To meet the convenience of as many of the directors, committee members and regional associations as possible, the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association has postponed its annual meeting to lune 2,3 and 4, Congress Hotel, Chicago.

The program is as follows:

Thursday, June 2-Executive Sessions l0:30 A. M. and zffi P, M.-Nominations and Recommendations Committee. Mr. Frank G. Wisner, Chairman. lO:3O A. M. and Z:ffi P. M.-Meeting: Trade Extension Committee and Regional Association Representatives. lO:30 A. M.-Blue Book Executive Committee, Mr. Geo. W. Dulany, Jr., Chairman.

Mr. R. B. White, Chairman.

(a) Consideration of Features of Research, Promotion, Publicity and Merchandising.

(b) Coordination of National-Regional Company Promotion Activities.

2:0O P. M.-Inter-Insurance Exchange Committee. Mr. John W. Watzek, Jr., Chairman. Fridan June 3

10:00 A. M.-General Conference-Open Session.

Report of President.

Report of Secretary-Manager.

Report of Trade Extension Manager.

Report and Discussion on Sales Managers' Conference Recommendations

2:@ P. M.-Stockholders' and Directors' Meeting, Executive Session-

1. Report of Committee on Recommendations.

2. Report of pending Federal Legislation-

(a) Revenue Bill.

(b) Anti-Trust Legislation.

(c) Protection against Russian Lumber.

(d) Timber Acquisition by Federal Government.

(e) Home Loan Bank Bill.

(f) Proposed Legislation covering Federal Purchases.

3. U. S. Timber Conservation Board.

4. American Forest Products Industries.

6:30 P. M.-Dinner-Directors of N. L. M. A. and delegates of Retail and Wholesale Associations, Toastmaster-President A. C. Dixon.

Address-Representative, National Association of Purchasing Agents.

Address-Prominent Architect.

Saturday, June 4-Open Seesion

9:3O A. M.-Joint Meeting with Directors and Delegates of Retail and Wholesale Associations.

What Can the Three Branches of the Industry Jointly do'to Relieve Present Conditions?

1. What can be done to reduce the cost of getting lumber from producer to consumer'?

2. How can lumber meet the current trend for low cost housing?

3. What can be done to further cooperation in merchandising and distribution ?

4. Which markets are most attractive to lumber this year?

5. Lumber's interes( in reports of the Presidentls Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership.

6. Plan for use of radio in behalf of lumber and forest products.

7. Shall the organized lumber industry exhibit at the Century of Progress Exposition ?

8. What can be cooperatively done on federal legislation such as Home Loan Bank Bill; Russian Lumber Imports; Anti-Trust Legislation; and such national projects as the work of the U. S. Timber Conservation Board.

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