1 minute read
Tltat's Wltat Sells Kurn-ft Cltairs
The gracefully shaPed back is high enough to rest the head.
An extra wide back, set at the right ugle for conplete relaxation.
Wide restful armwide enough to hold a generos tray of Iunch.
Cone in either straight legs or rwkere. A neat, sturdy chair ot light, durable Douglas
A new fom fitting seat, wide and sloping just enough for perfect comfort.
The rear legs are runded to prevent maning the porch or lam.
Lumbermsn3-166g-Bell Kum-fit Chairs have many convincing selling points but the biggest one of all is.to get a customer to sit in a Kum-fit Chair. They come knocked down, in packages, ready for complete and easy assembly by anyone.
U-Nite-It shelving and cabinetsr lawn chairs. s€ttees, tables, juvenile chairs, ottoman, flower boxes.
Bird houses, wall shelves, sand box, chain fence and trellis material, h o g houses and hog feeders.