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One Thousand Dollars for future delivery. Age 25, only $20.14 annually f.or 22 yrs. does it. Ask "Nate" Parsons-VAndike 7L17. Or write State Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Massachusetts, Suite 435, 727 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Sales Executive

Wants Position. Thoroughly familiar in various channels for all Western woods. 11 years' experience in California trade and understands Eastern and Foreign demands. Address Box C-438, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Salvage Building Material Yard.

Very attractive proposition is offered on business. Address L. S. Granger, 62Ot Yan Van Nuys, Calif. Phone Van Nuys 145.

For Sale

Old established yard for sale.

established Nuys Blvd.,

Good location in oldest growing city in Southern California.

No Bonus-clean, up-to-date stock.

$15,000 will handle, attractive lease on plant and real estate.

Address Box C-441, The California Lumber Merchant.

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