3 minute read
Hardwood Business Better Announcement of Consolidation
"Business is better with us", said C. H. White, vicepresident and general manager of White llrothers, hardwood dealers of San Francisco and Oaklan<l, re,cently. Mr. White is optimistic ancl proved it in a rnessage he rvrote and sent out to the retail tracle a couple of weeks ago. The message follows:
That's what Shakespeare said.
We've had our adversity
Norv we're just coming out of it. We're feeling the first faint syrnptoms
Of returning prosperity.
First we sold basswood panels
For jig saw puzzles, Then mahogany bar tops for the new brerv. Now the Bay bridges bring many inquiries, And lve are happy, Because we have two tvarehouses
Full of hardwoods.
Our inventory is
As big in footage as in 7929
But worth in dollars only half as nruch.
When the market advances
Which now seems ,certain.
Our prices will go up, So call on us now
For your hardwood needs;
And you rvill be happy too.
Bob Grant in Ne* Job
Robert S. Grant has resigned his position as San Francisco representative of Western Door & Sash Co., and is now associated rvith the San Francisco offi,ce of National Mill & Lumber Co., 74 New Montgomery Street.
lssue Attractive Booklet
"Interiors that Speak of Charm and Comfort" is an attractive booklet that has been published by the Celotex Company. The book is beautifully illustrated and shorvs the wide use of the Celotex insulation boarcl. The pictures show installations rvhere Celotex has been used for interiors in the homes, offices, stores, schools, chur'ches, public buildings, ,country clubs, libraries, tourist cabins, etc. Sorne of the illustrations show the effe,cts'developed through various treatrnents such as stencils ancl painting, however, n-rost of the pictures are of rooms rvith rvalls and ceilings of natural Celotex.
The booklet shorvs a variety of designs in Celotex tile and mouldings, also application instructious covering the points most essential in the su,ccessful application and decoration of Celotex as an interior finish. Copies of the booklet may be had on request by r,vriting The Celotex Company.919 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, I11.
Back From Northwest
H. S. Morton of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, returned May 20 from a business trip to Portland and Eugene.
Announcement has been made of the merger of The Lumbermen's Blue Book and Clancy's Red Book. The rnergecl service has been named The Lumbermen's Red & Blue Book Service, and the new corporation will be known as The Lumberrnen's Credit Asso,ciation, Inc. fn announcing the consolidation to the Blue Book subs,cribers and clients, G. W. Dulany, Jr., Vice-President of The Lumbermen's Blue Book, fnc., and Chairman of the Credit Corporation Committee of.the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, says :
"For nearly 30 years the Lumbermen's Blue Book has been furnishing its subs,cribers and clients specialized credit reporting and ,collection service, second to none in the agency field.
"Yet, the need for further improvement in credit information and ,collection service has been in,creasingly apparent to everyone during the past few years. In-so-far as the lumber and allied industries are concerned, it has been determined that the greatest improvement can be rnade by a strong combination of organizations furnishing such servi'ces; a merger which it is believed will be of such benefit as to be whole-heartedly supported by the entire lumber industry.
"Therefore, after many conferences with the officers of the Association which furnishes Clancy's Red Book Credit Reporting and Collection Service, the merger of the Red and Blue Book organizations was agreed upon. E,ven before you receive this announ.cement, the two former organizations will be functioning as one. The merged service has been named The Lumbermen's Red & Blue Book Service, and the new corporation, which will furnish both the credit reporting and collection service, will be named The Lumbermen's Credit Asso'ciation, In,c. If you are subscribing to both former credit reporting servi,ces, an equitable adjustment of your subscfiption contracts will be made shortly. All claims or collections in process of being handled by The Lumbermen's Blue Book, Inc., will be handled by the merged organization, and any new business will have the benefit of Red Book's 57 years of experience, as well.
"As soon as plans can be perfe,cted, the merged organization will have a committee of users of the service to which can be referred matters of general policy, and subscription and collection rates, with the object of developing services of greatest good for the greatest number. The various national lumber associations will be invited to appoint members to represent them on this committee.
"At the close of business on April 2A, 7933, the management contract, dated De'c. 1, 1931, with the Credit Clearing House was cancelled by mutual consent.
"For the present, all communications are to be sent to the main office of the merged organization, The Lumbermen's Credit Association, In,c., at 608 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago, Ill."
Receive Many Congratulations
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. McCune are receiving congratulations from their many friends on the birth of a daughter, born Wednesday, May 10. Mr. M'cCune is connected with the Los Angeles offi,ce of J. H. Baxter & Co.