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Rate---$2.50 Pet Column lnch.


Used 5 or 6 Ton Electric Hoist; Also used Ross Carrier. Address Box 479, California Lumber Merchant

For Sale

Lumber yard in Southern California for sale. Old established yard. Stock about $10,000.00. Mill equipment; Trucks; Office Furniture and Fixtures, $2,000.00. Real estate and sheds can be leased reasonably. Address Box C-477, California Lumber Merchant.

Yards For Sale

Two Well Equipped and Modern Lumber Yards for sale, within forty miles from Los Angeles.

Or will sell Stock and F.quipment and gt*'" long lease. Or will sell one yard.

Address Box C-478

C^alifornia Lumber Merchant

Lumber Yards For Sale

Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber Merchant.

Home Beautifiication Makes Jobs Funds for Rebuilding in Qu.lce for Unemployed Area Available

Attractive garden equipment, which will improve greatly the general outside appearance of a home, whether it be a costly mansion or a small bungalow, is available at little cost to home owners through the suggestions contained in the booklet entitled "You Can Make It For Profit," pr.pared by the National Committee on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce.

The ger.reral appearance of the premises can be enhanced considerably by the addition of such articles as well designed trellises, pergolas, and fences with attractive gates and arches, all fully described in the committee's booklet.

The suggestions in the manual are particularly timely in view of the many spring home beautification programs now being formulated by various civic and community organizations, as well as by individual home owners.

According to the Wood Utilization Committee, the equipment described in "You Can Make It For Profit," copies of which may be obtained for five cents each, is neither difficult to construct nor does it represent a great outlay of money. On the other hand, it will improve the attractiveness and the actual value of the property.

A window, a corner or jog in the exterior side wall, a fireplace chimney, or a blank wall may be made more attractive by the addition of simple lattice-wall trellises. These also provide ideal supports for vines and climbing roses.

The booklet points out that of all outdoor home amusement devices, there are probably none that have a greater fascination for children than sand boxes, swings and seesaws. Adults will be attracted by such items as lawn tables, lawn benches, garden nooks and lawn chairs. and seats.

Immediate funds for rebuilding and repair of homes and business buildings in the area affected by the recent Southern California earthquake were made available by action of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in Washington on May 9. The R. F. C. officials approved the securities put up by the Unified Rehabilitation Corporation which represents all the cities in the quake area, and ordered the first installment of a $5,000,000 loan for rebuilding without further delay.

The first installment will amount to $250,000. Persons and corporations whose loan applications have been approved will commence at once and a second installment will be forthcoming when the first allotment is exhausted.

Besides giving detailed information on each of the articles illustrated, the bulletin contains other valuable information regarding the selection of materials and tools. A special chapter is devoted to a discussion of painting and decorating. Helpful woodworking shop suggestions also are listed.

Inasmuch as the articles can be constructed by the man handy with tools who is temporarily unemployed, the Committee's publication discusses a number of ways in which the articles made for profit can be marketed. It is pointed out that chain and independent department stores, mail order houses, hardware and paint stores, souvenir and specialty shops offer good markets for disposing of useful home items.

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