3 minute read
WEST OREGOI{ IUMBIR G0, Portland, Oregon
Manufacturers of Old Growth Douglas Rail and Ca+to Shippers
Union Lumber Company's Service Not Interrupted by Fire
Fire at the Union Lumber Company's mill at Fort Bragg destroyed planing mill No. 2, the large storage shed adjacent and a considerable quantity of dry lumber on the night of May 15. The total loss is approximately $200,ffi0, covered by insurance.
Due to the company's dual facilities and large stocks of lumber the fire did not cause any interruption in their operations, and shipments were resumed on the morning of. Mav L7.
Jiln Moore is now working as salesman out of the San Francisco office of Long-Bell Lumber Company. He spent some years in the company's mill and sales department at Longview, Wash.
Redwood Testimonial Contest---April 1939
The Redwood industry awarded six prizes to California Redwood salesmen for the best testimonials on Redwood use turned in by salesmen during the month of April.
First prize of $10.0O went to R. E. Seward, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company; second prize oI $5.0O went to I-. W. Blinn, The Pacific Lumber Company; third prize of $3.00 went to G. A. Kramer, The Pacific Lumber Company; good work prizes of $1.00 each went to H. C. McGahey, San Diego Lumber Company; L. W.Blinn, The Pacific Lumber Company; and Harry Hood, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company.
Dick Walton Back At His Desk
Dick Walton of the Century Lumber Company, San Diego, was back at his desk on May 12 after being confined to his home for a week bv illness.
tAdvecieemene appear in alternate issue.
Amedcan Flardwood Co.------------------
American Lumber and Treating Co.---------- t
Anglo Califomia Lumber Co. ---------------------- 21
Atkinson-Stutz Co.-----------------. ----------------------- E
Back Panel Company-----
Baxter & Co., J. H.-------------.-----------------------25
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ---- - --- ------ ---------------.27
Burnr Lumber Co. -.------,--- ---------------------*--.29
Cadwallader.Gibron Co., fnc. -------------------------28
California Buildero Supply Co. --------------------*
California Door Company, The----------------.29
California Panel & Veaeer Co.---------------- |
California Stucco Co.--- ----------21
Celotq Corporation, The--------------
Certein.teed Produc-tr Corp. - -
Cobb Co., T. M.----------- -.-------'*
Curtir Companies Service Bureau
Douglar Fir Plywood A$ociation.---
Eactman Tag 8c l^abel Co.----------------------------11
Eubank & Son, Inc., L. H. ------..----------
Ganemton & Green----- ---------29
Goinan Lunber Co.-------
Graver Compeny------------- l5
HaIl, Jemer L.-----------------------------*---------_. I
[Ia--ond Redwood Co.----------------O.B.C.
I{er6or Plywood C,orporetiolr----------------_- .
Hoorrer, A. L
Insulite Company, The--'--------------
Janin Lumber Co., Roy M.
Johnoon Lumber Corporation, C. D. ---------fO
How Lumber Looks
518 mills, reporting for the week ended May 13, produced 23l,2fl7@ feet of hardwoods and softwoods combined; shipped 220,037,W feet; and booked orders of 230,330,000 feel, according to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
Revised figures for the preceding week were mills, 532; production 231,ffi9,m feet; shipments 2t6,964,00O feet; orders 231,668,000 feet.
Lumber orders reported for the week ended May 13 by 434 softwood mills totaled 221,244,W feet; shipments were 211,339,000 feet; and production 223,679,000 feet.
Reports lromIO2 hardwood mills for the same week gave new business as 9,0E6,00O feet; shipments 8,698,000 feet; and production 7,528,000 feet.
A total of 143 down and operating mills, reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended May 6, produced 97,821,ffi4 feet; shipments were 93,373,442 feet; and new business was 109,307,242 feet. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 3D,644,397 f.eet.
The same number of mills, reporting for the week ended
Raymond Peck, of Philadelphia, president of the Insular Lumber Co., left San Francisco May 23 aftet a week's visit to California. Mr. Peck came to San Francisco to meet Hawey Pope, manager of the company's sawmill in the Philippine Islands, S. Turner, Elmira, N. Y., a director of the companv' and F. J. Dunbar, manager of the lumber department of The Robert Dollar Co., San Francisco, sales representatives for the fnsular Lumber Company in the Western states.
All of the party spent two days in Ils Angeles last week.
May 13, produced 97,I75,954 feet; shipments were 95,655,654'feet'; ind new business was 1M,275,457 feet' C)rders on hand at the end of the week totaled 338,752,475 feet.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended May 13, 110 mills reporting, gave production as 78,059,000- feet; shipments 65,653,000-fe-et; and new. business 68,016,00O feei. Orders on fiand at the end of the week totaled 180,774,0ffi feet. Orders showed an increase of- 7'B per cent over the preceding week.
The California Redwood Association reported production of 13 mills for the week ended May 13 as 2,335,000 feet; shipments 7,841,000 feet; and new-bt^siness 7,379,00O feet. Week-end orders on hand totaled 30,790,000 feet'
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended May !3, ln mills reporting, gave ,production as 34,4@,ffi0 feet; shipments 34,7O2,W feet; and new business 32,574,W f-eet. Oriers on hand at the end of the week totaled 8Z'OT,OOA feet.
Vacations In Southern California
J. W. (Jack) Williams, secretary of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, was back at his desk May 22 from a week's business and vacation trip to Southern California.
Visits Los Angeles Office
Kenneth C. Mclntosh, assistant manager, West Oregon Lumber Com,pany, Portland, Ore., was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles office.