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Hogan Lumber Co. Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Front Bow, lelt to rigbh T. P. Hogcn" Ir., T. P. Hogcn Sr- and T. P. Hogsn" Itr.Bttclc Bow: i. D. Lcrphcm, M. B. Ccrter, I. R. Ander' aon cnd C. R. Buchcncn.
and since his retirement has been headed by T. P. Hogan, Jr. His son, T. P. Hogan III is in the sales department' J. R. Anderson is vice-president, C. R. Buchanan is secretary-treasurer. M. B. (Nick) Carter is sales manager of the lumber department, and R. D. Lapham is sales manager of the mill department. George Eidemiller and John G' Frampton are salesmen in the wholesale department'
Takes Air Route
George W. Gorman, general manager' Trans-Pacific Lumber Co., flew to I-os Angeles and back on a business trip recently, returning to San Francisco MaY 18.
This airplane view conveys some idea of the size and extent of our plant-with the largest capacity, namely, 47 M per hour, of any car.and.cargo mill in Oregon. Cargo and rail shipments of Soft Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce. lfeekly sailings to California ports; packaged lumber stowed even lengths and widths. ERANCH
Coast Counties Club Holds Annual Social Meeting at Santa Crut
More than 15O sat down to dinner at the annual social meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, held at Casa del Rey Hotel, Santa Cruz, on Saturday, May 20. This annual function affords an opportunity for a gettogether gathering of members, wholesalers of lumber and allied building materials and manufacturers' representatives.
Lloyd I{ebbron, Hebbron Lumber Company, Santa Cruz, was general chairman of committees responsible for the arrangements for the meeting, and the concensus was that he did a very efificient job.
Mr. Hebbron welcomed those present and turned the meeting over to Joe Kirk, who acted as toastmaster.
Mr. Kirl< called for a rising vote of appreciation to Geo. N. Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, first president of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club.
W. C. Bell of Seattle, secretary-manager of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, gave a short talk on the value of cooperation.
The entertainment program was under the direction of Walter Gill, master of ceremonies.
Bill Freeman, Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., San Francisco, won the door prize, a lawn chair.
Fred A. Witmer, secretary of Monterey Lumbermen's Club, was in charge of registration.
East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club
Dr. Chesley Bush, director of Arroyo Sanatorium, Livermore, and president of the American Tuberculosis Association, addressed East Bay Hoo Hoo Club on the subject "Romance of Medicine" at the dinner meeting held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on May 22.
President Shirley C. Forsey was in the chair. The meeting passed a hearty vote of thanks to Lloyd Harris, 1939 Reveille general chairman, for his fine work in making the event a big success.
Music rvas provided by the Delphian Trio.