6 minute read
Sal Frocirso o Lor trageler
Mitts at Fort Bragg and Mcndocino, Celif. Memberc of Dutable Woods Institutc and C aI if or nia Redw ood Assoc iat io n
Members of the Lumber Survey Committee are Thomas S. Holden, vice-president, F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York; M. W. Stark, econ,omist, Columbus, Ohio; Calvin Fentress, chairman, Baker Fentress & Co., Chicago, Illinois; and Wilson Compton, secretary and manager, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, chairman. Phillips A. Hayward, chief, Forest Products Division, Department of Commerce, is secretary of the committee.
Don Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company, I-os Angeles, is now a member of the Hole-In-One Club and receiving congratulations from his many golfer friends. He made the seventh hole, 135 yards, on the Wilshire Country Club course at Los Angeles in one shot on Sunday, May 19.
Stecrmer "Port Orlord"
(This is the text of the now celebrated review of "Gone With the Wind" as it appeared in a Georgia country newspaper.)
Katherine Scarlett O'I{ara was our shero. A winsome girl with a figger like a marble statue and a head as hard.
Gerald O'Hara was our shero's pa. By natrue he was most animallike. Proud as a peacock, he roared like a lion and rode like a dog-and-pony show. After Sherman came he trras crazy as a bed-bug. Anyhow Scarlett was in love with Ashley Wilkes, who was in love with his cousin, Melanie, who was in love with Ashley, and so they were married (Ashley and Melanie) in case you're getting confused. This irritated Scarlett no end, so in quick succession she married for spite and cash, respectively, a couple of fellows whose names we didn't get, but then neither did Scarlett for long.
The other major characters were Rhett Butler, Belle Watling, and a colored lady exactly like trhe one on the fap-jack box. Rhett was somehow strangely reminiscent of Clark Gable, and was a cross between Jesse James and Little Boy Blue. If Rhett had joined the lost cause in the second reel instead of after the intermission, tlre confederacy would have won the war-and Belle, you'd have loved Belle. Everybody did. During the siege of Atlanta only three things were runningBelle's pliace, prissyts nose, and the laundry that kept Rhett's white suits snowwhite.
Melanie's baby arrived about the same time Sherman did. Both were equally welcome to Scarlett. ft was, so far as our painstaking research has revealed, the first baby ever born in technicolor.
Anyway, the South lost the war again in the picture (what could you expect with a lot of yankee producers) and Scarlett married Rhett to get even with him. Finally after Melanie died, Scarlett realized she didn't love Ashley but Rhett-Scarlett was changeable. However, Rhett had had enough of her foolishness and when she told him, he said "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" Neither by this time did the audience. They were glad to see the end, their own having become more numb than somewhat.
The hurdy-gurdy man has come, I hear the old refrain, "'When you and I were youngr" and then"Kiss me! Kiss me again."
The hurdy-gurdy man has gone, But filling all the rooms, Inebriating, steals the scent Of rain-washed lilac blooms.
Oh, is it spring in that far land Where you so long have been, Dear love? And can you hear my cry "Kiss mel Kiss me again"?
-Ethelyn Bryant Chapman.
The sweet girl graduate was being shown through the locomotive shqp.
"lVhat is thft)horrnous thing?" she asked.
"That," explqlhed the guide, "is a locomotive boiler."
"And why do they boil locomotives?', she insisted. "To make the engine tender."
Duty makes us do/thi us do them beautifully.
-Phillips Brooks.
It May Be The Rouge
Grandpa: I never see a girl blush anymore. It was certainly different in my day.
Grandson: Good gracious, Grandpa! What on earth did you say to them?
How To Economize
fn a certain westerR town a beautiful chorus girl sued a rich banker for breach o{rnromise and was awarded $10,00O. Shortly after leaving\t/court she was hit by an automobile and had eight ribs broken. The same judge awarded her eight dollars.
Moral: Never play with a woman's heart-kick her in the ribs.
Appointed Chairman of Joint Committee
Decfared to be the Solution to the on Forest Conservation
Seattle, Wash., May 27, I94O.Appointment of George L. Drake, Shelton, manager of the Simpson Logging Company, as chairman of the Joint Committee on Forest Conservation of the West Coast Lumbermen's and Pacific Northwest Loggers Associations, was announced today by officials of the two organizations. Mr. Drake takes the post left vacant, the officials said, by the passing of C. S. Chaprnan, who had headed the committee since 1933.
Low-Cost Houring Problem
San Francisco, Calif., May l7-Declared by the designer and builder to be the solution to the low-cost housing problem, a new Colonial-type cottage, located at 1835 Wilcox Avenue just outside the city limits of Richmond, California, is creating considerable interest among local building, financial and Federal Housing Administration officials. in. the Bay Region. This attractive five-room home, known as the "California Colonial Cottage," was designed (and a patent applied for) by Merle Bishop of Builders Emporium, El Cerrito, California, and was built by George S. Tandy, prominent Richmond builder. More than 700 persons visited the house the first day it was open foe inspection and that evening it was sold for $2650.
George L Drqte
"Mr. Drake's experience has covered a wide field of forestry as well as logging management," the announcement stated. "Born in Laconia, New Hampshire, he lived there until his first college year, when he entered Penn State Forestry School. He graduated in l9I2 and joined the Forcst Service, in which he wore the official green until 193O, when he joined the Simpson Logging Company as general superintendent. As a member of the Joint Committee on Forest Conservation since 1933, Mr. Drake assisted in writing the 'Rules of Forest Practice of the Dauglas Fir Region.' In 1937 Drake served as president of the Pacific Logging Congress.
"Not only his own experience but that of the logging company under his management qualifies Mr. Drake for leadership in the industry's conservation program. This company has follorved a policy of timber cropping for fifty years and has consistently retained its cutovers and provided for their restocking and protection from fire. Under Mr. Drake's management this operation has been fortified for continuous production of logs and for permanent maintenance of payrolls. He and his company have demonstrated that good forest practices are a good business proposition, when and where it is possible to keep timber-growing lands safe from fire devastation caused by the forssl-usin* public."
The type of construction is the unique {eature of this lowcost home. The walls consist of il4 Ponderosa Pine planks, 10 inches wide, center-matched and placed vertically. These planks serve a threefold purpose in the wall construction; namely, the sheathing, framing and inside walls of Knotty Pine finish. Standard siding is applied over the vertical planking. The same plan is used for the roof, which can be overlaid with red cedar shingles. The tops and bottoms of the wall and roof planks fit into specially milled sections, which serve as the plate cap and ridge pole and are milled to the design needed to provide the framing cornice and base. The partition walls are also of 6/4 material and serve for paneling. Dowels are used to stiffen up the walls, rvhich are placed near the top and bottom of the wall and roof planks. About 5000 feet of Ponderosa Pine was used in the construction of this house, according to Mr. Tandy, and such a structure can be completely erected, ready for occupancy, in 3 to 4 weeks.
The floor plan is conveniently arranged for a small family. It consists of'a large living room with Knotty Pine walls and exposed roof planks, trvo bedrooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and utility room. Natural gas heaters solve the heating problern very nicely.
Mr. Bishop and Mr. Tandy expect to build many more of these single-wall houses as the demand for such modern structures far exceeds the supply. Such houses can be built to sell for $250O to $3000 and can be purchased for a down payment of around $250 and for monthly payments of about $20 to $22 under FHA provisions.
There was a good attendance of members and guests at the monthly dinner meeting of Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club No. 109, held at the Elks Club, Sacramento, on Wednesday evening, May 15.
President Chas. L. Sl-repard was in the chair.
ClTarles Rich, of the United States Secret Service, showecl a talking motion picture entitled, "Know our Money.,,
On Vacation Trip
Gus Kramer, salesman in the San Joaquin Valley for The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, will leave June 1 with his family on a vacation trip. They will visit relatives in Cincinnati and later will make a boat trip from Nerv Orleans to the Panama Canal where Gus has a number of old friends made when he served there during the World War.