3 minute read
SheYlin Pine Sales Gompany
SEI.LNG TIIE PBODUCTS OF r tAc llcCloud Bircr Lunber Conpcay McCloud, Caliloraic
Sbevlh-Clcrlc Cmpoy, Limitcd 'Fort F!a!c.s,Gtario r lbo Shcvlia,Exo Cupcay lad, Orcgon r Mcnbcr ol lhc Westem Pine Ageociation, Portlaad. OrcEoa
Ehevlin Fine
Bcg. U. S. Pdt. Off.
. 900 Fint l{ctioaal Soo Lhc Buildiagl MINNEAPOIJS, MINNESOTA
DISTNICT SIIJS OFFICES: NEW YORK CHICAGO l6(X Grcrybcn BtdE. 1863 LaSclle-rllocter Bldc. Mohml 4-9117- Telephone Central 918f, SAN FRANCISCO 1030 Mosrcdnocl Bldo. EKbrooL ?(Xl
LOS ANGEI.ES SAIJS OFnCE 330 Petroleum Bldg. PRospect 0615
Story of Sitka Spruce Told in Novel Booklet
One of the most interesting and useful publications that has made its appearance in the lumber trade, in a long time, is a harvest-to-use book on Sitka spruce, just announced by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle.
Novel in treatrnent, illustrated from cover to cover with up-to-the-minute photographs, its editorial contests tersely written and conveniently arranged, the 36-page book makes its bow at a time when Sitka spruce is again an airplane item of international importance and such new clevelopments as the frozen foods and locker-storage industry are bringing this unique species of wood prominently to the attention of specialty makers and remanufacturers.
The opening section of the book tells the story of Sitka spruce, in large size illustrations, from the woods through the various stages of manufacture, inspection, and selection. Section No. 2 is devoted to the contribution this West Coast wood makes toward the manufacture of a wide variety of articles and products essential to the everyday life of the average American. The third and last division of the book gives a complete compendium of technical information about Sitka spruce and provides a grade use guide, with recommended uses for this particular lumber.
In preparing the publication, the Association was fortunate in having available the services of Kenneth S. Brown, formerly official photographer at Coulee Dam and who has won acclaim on other projects for technical and artistic ex_ cellence in industrial photography. Mr. Brown, who has recently been enhancing his reputation as a camera techni_ cian by photogmphing West Coast lumbering from tree to loading platform, is responsible for many of the striking camera studies portrayed in this novel Sitka spruce book. Copies of the book may be obtained upon request from West Coast Lumbermen's Association, 364 Stuart Building, Seattle.
Opent Los Angeles Offtce Hoo-Hoo Club No. 62 Meets in Sonora
Clark & Wilson Lumber Co., manufacturers with mills at Portland and Prescott, Ore., has opened a sales office at 626 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles, with C. p. Henry in charge. The telephone number is Rlchmon d OZS9.
Mr. Henry is well known in Southern California lumber circles. He was formerly with C. D. Johnson Lumber Cor_ poration, and prior to that the Chas. R. McCormick Lum_ ber Co.
Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club No. 62 held its May meeting at Sonora Inn, Sonora, Calif. on Monday evening, May 27.
Art Martin of Hales & Symons, Sonora, was in charge of the arrangements which included an interesting trip to the all-mechanical Phoenix Lake power house.
Charles Segerstrom, Jr. rvas the principal speaker, on the subject of "Gold in Tuolumne."
Duncan McCallum and Kenneth Lynch \(/in Golf Trophies
D. D. McCallum, D. D. McCallum & Co., Los Angeles, was the winner of the Earl Galbraith trophy for members with a net score of. 78 at the Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Southern California golf tournament held at the Altadena Golf Club, Altadena, Thursday afternoon, May 23.
S. J. Hathaway, Sunkist Lumber Company, Monrovia, and Kenneth Lynch, Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, Los Angeles, each with a net score of 65 were tied for the Bill Sampson trophy for guests. They played-off the tie Saturday afternoon, May 25, and Mr. Lynch was the winner.
Mr. McCallum and Mr. Lynch now have permanent possession of the trophies, each having won them three times.
Ed Bauer, Bohnhoff Lumber Company, Los Angeles, came the closest to the cup on the fifth green on the pitch shot from the tee and was awarded the special prize, a beautiful sweater coat, donated by Deats Sash & Door Co., Los Angeles. His ball landed just 12 f.eet Sl inches from the cup.
The runner-up prize for guests was rvon by M. B. Jordan, Jordan Sash & Door Co., Los Angeles, with a net score of 66 and he was awarded a box of golf balls do_ nated by Bohnhoff Lumber Company. The box was specially made of Tennessee Red Cedar, highly polished, and very attractive.
The winners of the blind bogey prizes were: first, H. A. Long, Northwest Door Co.; second, W. E. Calhoun, Patten-Blinn Lumber Company; third, Marshall Deats. Deats Sash & Door Co., all of Los Angeles.
Pacific Wire Products Co. and Thompson Glass Co., of Los Angeles, each donated a box of golf balls, and many of the golfers were presented with a ball for winning the various special events.
Pick Maule, Pacific Wood Products Corporation, Los Angeles, was the lorv gross winner with a score of 76 and was awarded some golf balls.
Dinner was served in the Club House at 6:30 p.m., after which Earl Galbraith, master of ceremonies, presented the prizes. 4O played golf and 60 were present for dinner. The committee in charge of the arrang.ements included Glenn Fogleman, O. W. Wright and Earl Galbraith.