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llledicine Gases

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Louver Doors & Elinds

Sth & Cypress Sts., Oahland-TEmplebar 84OO

New lmproved Calking Load Announced Russ Cagtell With Cal-Door Organization

Macklanburg-Duncan Company, Oklahoma City, Okla., manufacturers of Nu-Calk Calking Compound and Nu-Glaze Glazing Compound, announce introduction of their New, Improved "Speed Load" for calking guns.

According to the manufacturers this nelv load, due to special construction of the container and caps, is practically vacuum packed, elirninating air pockets lvhich cause dry, chunky calking to form in container.

R. M. "Russ" Castell, who recently joined the sales staff of The California Door Company, will call on the lumber dealers in the San Joaquin Valley, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Orange County. Russ is well known to the lumber trade, having called on the dealers in this territory for several years.

R. V. Pye, who has been calling on the trade in Orange County, will devote more time to other territories.

Unusual Shipment

There afe no lids to remove, just drop load in gun, slice off seal and use. Applier's hands do not touch calking material. Gun and nozzle are kept clean and free from calking, due to special top lid which fits into nozzle opening. As air does not reach calking, smooth, even flow rvith easv trigger action is assured.

Loads are packed ten (one gallon) to the carton. Complete information furnished by Mackianburg-Duncan Company, Oklahoma City, Okla.

White Brothers, hardwood dealers, San Francisco, recently brought in a large shipment of domestic Oak timbers, 6 by l2inchesand from 46 to 5O feet long. These are used for boat keels. Such shipments of Oak timbers used to be very common, according to Don F. White, in the old days when his firm supplied large quantities of boat lumber to points all over the Pacific Coast. but now are more or less unusual.


The annual picnic of the employes of West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles, will be held at Banning Park, Wilmington, on Sunday, June 2.

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