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Being stock items, these mcrniels sell ct c much more recsoncrble price thcm custom-built mcntels. Sold through decrlers only.
General Saleg Ofrce Eugene, Ore.
Millr: Wendling, Ore., Springfeld, Ote.
Los Angeles Home Show \fill Feature Carl Reeder With Hammond Redwood Co. Model Home---"The Californian"
The annual Home and Flower Show at Los Angeles, sponsored by the Building Contractors' Association of California, will be held at the Pan-Pacific auditorium from June 6 to 15.
It is announced that the last word in model homes, "The Californian," will be an outstanding feature of the exposition. Designed to appeal to families of modern circumstances, the five-room bungalow, which will have two bedrooms, will cost approximately $5000. The floor plan, which is a combination of the structural ideas of half a dozen prominent architects and contractors, will cover 1200 feet.
A number of lumber and building materials firms will have exhibits at the exposition.
This year, for the first time, The Southern California Horticultural Institute is joining with the building contractors in presenting the biggest summer flower show ever held in Los Angeles.
ft was disclosed there will be ten days of competition, under direction of the horticultural institute, in which more than 500 of the leading professional and amateur flower arrangers in the Southland will participate. Opal Scarborough, secretary-manager of the Institute, has outlined a competitive schedule which will include events for all the principal garden clubs, the women's auxiliary of the Builders and Contractors' Association, and a "no handicap" flower arrangements sweepstakes for men only. Throughout the show there will also be floral arrangements by all the leading professional teachers of the art, as well as outstanding florists.
According to Managing Director F. D. McDonald Jr., this year's home show will include exhibits from firms producing nearly $500,000,000 in home construction and furnishing products. The display will be the largest in the four year history of the show.
The sawmill of the Pickering Lumber Corporation, Standard, started its season's run on May 2. The mill opened three weeks ahead of last year's schedule. The company anticipates a busy season in keeping with the national defense program.
Carl Reeder has joined the sales staff of the Hammond Redwood Company and will call on the retail lumber trade outside the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Carl has been connected with the lumber business in the Southern California territory for a long period and is well known to the retail lumber trade. He was formerly with the Hobbs Wall Lumber Co.
Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club
The monthly dinner meeting of Sacramento Ffoo-I{oo Club No. 109 was held in Sacramento on Wednesday evening, May 21.
The principal speaker was C. W. Pinkerton who told of his work in connection r,vith legislation that affects the lumber industry. This work, formerly carried on as an activity of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, will in future be cared for by a legislative bureau now being created for the purpose, Mr. Pinkerton said.
A colored motion picture of the great Central Valley Project was shown, accompanied by an explanatory talk on the project by one of the government engineers.
Lumber Cargo Deliveries FromNorthwest
Lumber deliveries by water for the month of April to California ports from the Pacific Northwest reached a total of 105,901,400 feet, according to reports made to the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco. Deliveries in April, 194O, amounted to 88,448,300 feet. Distribution to the various ports was as follows:
H Unf is c new prolit iten ihct is going pltrcer. Builders, crchitect* home ownerg quiclly aee the ncny cdvantcaes ol tbig rencnlcble new principle roller-becring rindow. Ecsy to insictll and opercte, low in cost, Itrctory built to specification" you cca sell this wiadow rith recl profit cnd gcrtislaction to pcnticulcr people.
ROLL-O-SEAL is c rollerbeoring double hung window providing: t) Fingcrtlp o*rauon
O No Jamla, ratdc ct biadlw
O Dbtha-*arytorcrcvc
O lfoadmappcarlacc Contrcrctors buy on demonstrotion. For cr good pro{it decl see us todcry.
50,000 Homes Started Under FHA Since First of Year
More than 50,000 new small homes have been started under Federal Housing Administration inspection since the first of the year, at least 85 per cent of them in defense industrial areas, Administrator Abner H. Ferguson announced yesterday.
The rate of building under the FHA program is now 800 homes a day.
In the week e.nded April 12 the number of homes started under the FHA program was the highest on record, with 4433 started under Title II and,27I under Title I.
The number of homes started this year is 2O per cent in excess of the number built in the same period ol I94O, the Administrator said.
Gains in the volume of homes being started in many defense areas range up to 50 per cent and even 10O per cent.
The record breaking activity in home construction under the FHA program shows the willingness and ability of private industry to help meet the need for housing in the defense emergency, Mr. Ferguson said.
From January 1 through April 19 about 46,500 small homes were started under FHA inspection, which are being financed with loans insured under TitleII of the National Housing Act, compared with 39,7@ in the same period last year.
In addition 2800 homes were started under FHA inspection, which are being financed with loans insured under Title I, compared with 1100 in the same period of. 194O.
Move Offices To Wilmington
Rockport Redwood Company and Rounds Trading Co. have moved their offices from the petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles, to their netv storage yard in Wilmington.
Dunsmuir Lumber Company, Dunsmuir, has added a department for the manufacture of molding. Last winter a dry kiln was constructed and put in operation. A new office and general administration building is being completed, one room of which is unusual in that the interior is constructed of Pine, Cedar and Fir. Ralph yoder and Joe Crahane operate the mill.
I ou know from your own experience that home buyers "shop" on the streets. Every enduring stucco job that keeps its good looks is a silent salesman for you. And the more such jobs there are, the higher stucco volume will climb. Make every house you build a "demonstratort' for the beauty and weatherproof durability of stucco. Here are more of the rules for doing the job absolutely right. See that the structure is rigid and well-framed insist on a good base . protect horizontal surfaces with pro. jecting trim . place non-corrosive flashing at all points of possible moisture entrance position reinforcement so that it will be completelv embedded in the mortar use only stucco made iith pitrtland cetnent or unter-proofed portland cetnen, t'or all seals-rnb(sfl, applied and cured according to approved methods.
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