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Fox Woodsum Lumber Co. Show Plant to Chamber of Commerc
Frank L. Fox, president and general manager of the Fox Woodsum Lumber Compa'ny, Glendale, was host to the Chamber of Commerce of Glendale, one day last month, when he conducted t\\'enty members of the Chamber through the company's plant.
Above is a picture of the aggregation, in front of the yard, located on East California Avenue.
The Fox Wo,odsum Lumber Company, headed by Mr.
F'rank L. Fox, nor,v operates plants at Glendale, Claremont, Upland, Rialto, Colton and Redlands.
Mr. W. R. Vanderwood is Secretary of the company, and C. A. Suiter, is assibtant secretary. Frank L. Fo>r hai been in the lumber business since 1898, starting at the bottom in Lexington, Neb., under S. T. Woodsum, vice-president of the Fox-Woodsum Lumber company. Mr. Fox and Mr. Woodsum formed their business associations back in Neb,raska and in 1910 sold out. Three years later they bought the present Glendale plant.