2 minute read
Pioneer Paper Company Are Marketing a New Shingle
Achieving both unusual beauty and ease of application, a new asphalt shingle, declared to signalize a decidedly new roof development, has just been perfected and marketed by the Pioneer Paper Company, of Los Angeles, under the direction of General Manager John H. Plunkett.
One of the marked features of the new shingle, of hexagonal design is a pronounced shadow line producing a semi-thatched effect so much in demand in modern architecture.
Of unusual interest to the building industry generally, however, is a new manufacturing process by which the shingle is made "foolproof" in application. In other words, the shingle design is such that when laid, a roof will have a double thickness at all points, with a 4l inch head lap for each shingle, an arrangement which contributes materially to the wearing and fire safe qualities of the whole, the firm's engineers assert.
The shingle assembly is so arranged roofing operations can be speeded up materially, and like ,other varieties of shingles made by the concern, the new product carries a heavy coating of Yosemite crushed rock, mined from Pioneer company's immense quarries in the Yosemite valley.
Use of the rock was begun originally to provide a wear-
New Lumber Yard At Ventura
A new lumber concern, to be known as the Independent I-umber Co., is establishing a new yard which is located jtrst outside the city limits of Ventura. B. O. Brown, the manager of the new company was ,formerly connected rvith Allev Brothers at Pasadena.
Harry Easom And Party Visits Yosemite Valley
Harry Easom, San Francisco wholesaler, accompanied by Mrs. Easom and Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Baggs, left for the Yosemite Valley on June 4. They expect to be in the Valley for about ten days and will try theirluck at trout fishing.
ing surface for the materials. The stone, crushed into tini particles, was imbedded under terrific pressure into a base of heavy asphalt saturated felt.
By blending the different stratas, the company has been able to evolve a wide variety of shades to conform to the present trend in home building, which calls for a roof so tinted as to supplement or harmonize with the color scheme carried out on the residence. Greens, reds, goldenbrowns, blue-black and other shades have been developed in this manner.
Peculiarly enough, the laboratory staff asserts, the enduring colors of the rock are one of the few things man has' not been able to duplicate successfully. While the shades have been reproduced successfully by artificial means, the synthetic shades soon fade, while the colors in the natural rock are as enduring as the stone itself.
In preparation for the launching of the new line, the Pioneer Paper Co. installed what is declared to be one of the largest and fastest shingle machirres ever manufactured. Operating at capacity, the apparatus turns out the rocksurfaced shingles at lightning speed, averaging approximately 12,000 an hour. The equipment is said to be capa- ble of producing a complete bungalow roof every n minutes.
Frank Campbell And Al Nolanto Attend Arizona Meeting
Frank Campbell and Al Nolan, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, will attend the annual meeting of the Arizona Lumbermen's Association on June 17,18 and 19. Following the convention, they will leave for Texas where they will spend some time with their lumber connections in that territory.
John Olson Vtstts San Franctsco
John Olson, manager of the Los Angeles office of the Chas R. McCormick Lumber Co., was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent a few days conferring with officials of the company. Mr. Olson was back at his desk again on June 1.
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Fir Laminated Finishing Lumber
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FrR FrNriH
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KNOX & TOOMBST Hoquiru, TVuh.
Mrnufrctur*r of Vcrticd Grrir Fir Doorr
HARBOR PLNVOOD CO. Hoquirn, lVuh. Mrnufrcturcrr of 'Grryr Herbo/' Ycllor Fir Lerninrtod Prnclt