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(The Clating'Hourc)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who.Wants to Buy The Fellow \il'ho Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Race: t2.s0 per cotumn rnch
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
For Sale
Retait lumbcr and building material yard locatcd in San Diego op Uaivcrsity Avenue. Ooc of tte bcst locations in thc iity ind in a faet growing section- Doing a good busincss that will averagc $135,q)0 per year without the usc of an outside salesman. -Business can be materially incroased with additional salee force. Will sell or takc rn a pa.rtnet. $20,000 cash to handle deal. Arrangements can be made to pay balance gn terms. An exccllcnt opportunity for a livc wiro lumbcr dealer.
D. E. Thompson Lumbcr Co. 35OZ University Ave. San Diego.
LUI\{BERMAN-experienced as follows: yard clerk, general office work and foreman. Wholesale or retail. Will accept whatever is open with a possibility of advancement. Married, age 37. References. Address Box C-128. cio California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Lumber Salesman
Local wholesale dealer .wants lumber salesman lvho knows Los Angeles White-arid Sugar Pine Trade. 'Box C-l30, clo Californi* Lumber Merchant.
The Heinect e Lumber Yard at San Clemente is erecting a mill on property recently purchased there. The architects are working ,on the details of the building and construction is already under way. A complete mill that will be able to furnish everything needed in the building of this Spanish Village will be erected.
The Rees Blow Pipe Manufacturing Co. of San Francisco have just completed the installation of a blow pipe system for the new planing mill of the Roberston-Keffee Co., Stockton. They are now installing a system for HobbsWall & Co. at Brookings, Oregon.
L. C. Tipton, manager of the Diamond Match Co. yard at Dunnigan, has been transferred to company's yard at Woodland where he will act as manager. E. Mason, who was connected with the company's Corning office, has been made manager of the Dunnigan Yard.
Announce Change Of Office
The Moore Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco, announce the removal of their office from 68 Post Street to 525 Market Street. The Moore Mill & Lumber Co. have their mill operations at Bandon, Oregon.
PLANING MILL SUPERINTENDENT will be open for connection any time during late summer or early fall. Age 42, healthy and well known in California. At present in successful charge of Detail Mill operating at good profit, and can produce proof of such as well as progf of profitable mill performance for last 6 yeafs. Health of my wife demands that I locate in city not situated directly on ocean water. My experience covers a period of 20 years and includes estimating, detailing, billing, selling, plant supervi' sion, all in the Detail Mill as it is operated today. Would "ot.idet taking on a small lumber yird in conjunction with a mill.
Address Box C-127, clo California Lumber Merchant.
WANTED-Position as manager of retail yard, or executive position with wholesale yard by young man with previous lumber experience. Can furnish references.
Box C-lD, clo California Lumber Merchant.
Redwood Assoctatt9n Tssues New Plan Book
The California Redwood Association has recently issued a new and attractive Plan Book. The booklet contains plans and pictures of attractive homes for the large and small investor. T'he book also shows several cuts of sand blasted redwood finish and devotes two pages to pictures showing the different redwood stains.
Dies From Injuries In Automobile
Elmer J. Clausen, formerly junior partner in the lumber company of Clark & Clausen, East San Diego, died at Modesto on May 25 from injuries received in an automobile accident. Mr. Clausen, accompanied by his wife, had been visiting relatives in Stockton and was returning to San Diego when his car overturned. About a month ago, he sold his interests to his partner, F. L. Clark, and left for the north on a vacation trip.
Mr. Clausen was 36 years old and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Edith Clausen, his fatherand mother, a brother and two sisters.
The Ramsey Blow Pipe Co., of Los Angeles are re-arranging the old blow pipe system and making new illtallations in the re-manufacturing plant of the Arizona Timber & Lumber Co., at Flagst4ff, Arizona.
J. W. Heinecke, Southern California re_tailer, has left on a ieveral months' sojourn for Europe.Mr. Heniecke operates lumber yards at Upland, Ontario and San Clemente.
ln the new PionelrYosemite Rock Surfaced Super Hexag onal Shingle the dealer has a ro'ofing product that surpasses all other of its type! Double thickness over the entire roof surface not only produces ab. solutely weather-proof protection but results in a pronoun. ced shadowline effect *'hich brightens the beauiy of their distinctive design and soft, non.fading Yosemite rock col. ors. Your customers will ap. preciate the protection oftheir double thickness and 4lt inch headlap; they'll welcome the economy due to fewer shing, les, fewer nails, less labor, no painting or stainingr lower in, sutance rates and longer years of expense-free service!
And remember while the Pioneer Label means protec. tion and economy for your customers...it means Pioneer Service for you; ample stocks, instant delivery and the full cooperation of our Engineer, ing Department!