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New Idea Book For Horne Modernizers
For the family that would remodel and renovate its home, architects have published an original handbook from which the new design may be chosen from many.
"TRANSFORMATION-From an Old House to a New Home," visualizes the possibilities for re-creating typical old homes. Eight old houses, each representing a style popular thirty-five. or more years ago, have been re-designed into the modern mode. Several variations of treatment are presented for each house, providing the home owner who finds himself possessor of one of the types selected, a wide range of modernizing suggestions for his home.
' An effort was made by the publishers to select as samples only homes which fairly represent a definite class of old structure. It is believed that some one of the twentv-seven modern adaptions will fit most any old dwelling.
Few pr_ospective home modernizers have:a clear idea of the wide range of t'ernodeling possibiliti€S in the old house of good fundamentdl proportions and solid frame. The new booklet demonstrates the possibility of developing true arcliitectural types from commonpla"e hour"r, ai c&ts much below those for which a new home of the type could'be constructed.
Few transformations illustrated involve any change in the frame of the old buildings; confining revisions to small details, removal of unsightly ornaments, and small additions, here and there. Outstanding details, such as entrances, porches, windows and chimneys are frequently enlarged for convenience as well as altered for beauty.
An actual old dilapidated house, an architect's sketch of possible modernization, the work being carried on, and the, finished product, are photographically featured on the first page of the booklet as an gxample of the steps of modernizing and an illustration of how exactly the renovated home' can be made, through careful attention to details, to coincide with the architect's vision. i
Copies of "TRANSFORMATION:From an Old House, to a New Home," will be sent free to interested persons by1 the Nationbl Lumber .Manufacturer!' Association, 7O2i Transportatien Building, Washington, D. C. The bookleti. contains ndhdvertising matter whatever.