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J. R. HANIFY co.

This Column of "'Wants" and 3'Don't Wants" is fon

The Fellow Who Wants to Buy

The Fellow Who Wantg to Sell

The Fellow Who'Wants to Hire

The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired

For Sale Retail Yard And Complete Building

Material Store, including location, fine opportunity, SouthernCalifornia. From fiftvto seventv-five thousand to handle. Address Box C-264. California Lumber Merchant.

Retail Lumber Yard For Sale

Small yard near Los Angeles. $12,000 r,r,ill buy buildings, trucks and stock. Fine location. Doing nice volume of business. Particulars furnished on request. Box C-267, California Lumber Merchant.

State Forester Names Forest Fire Inspectors

M. B. Pratt, state forester for California, annognces that California goes into the forest fire season with "the strongest fire guard ever mobilized under State command !" Mr. Pratt ailso has made public a list of ninety-two inspectors, rangers, lookouts and patrolmen, who will guard the tirnber resources of the state against fire during the coming season. The list of inspectors, tog'ether with their territory and headquarters, are as follows: E. E. Roach, Ukiah, Humboldt, Lake and Mendocino counties; C. C. Strickland, Mount Shasta, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama and Trinity counties; A. E. Frost, Oroville, Butte, Lassen, Nevada, Placer and Yuba counties; E. P. Biggs, Placerville, "\ma- dor, Calaveras, El Dorado and Tuolumne counties; E. T. Barron, Sacramento, Alameda, Colusa, Contra Costa, Monterey, Napa, Solano, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, Fresno, Madera and Tulare counties; W. H. Coupe, San Dimas, Kern and Riverside counties; C. E. Fowler, inspector at large.

Orange Belt Hoo Hoo Meet

Chas. C. Adams, vicegerent snark of the Orange Belt district, announces that a concatenation will be held on Saturday evening, June 15, in the San Bernardino mountains. They plan to spend the night in the mountains and meals and lodging for the gathering have been arranged for. Reservations can be made through Homer Wilson, Cresmer Manufacturing Co., Riverside, and Chas. C. Adams, Chas. C. Adams Lumber Co., San Bernardino.


Axel H. Oxholm, director of the national committee on wood utilization, who has been making a survey of conditions in Southern California, addressed a group of retail lumbermen at the Jonathan Club June 11. Mr. Oxholm also talked before the building industries committee of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce on June 12.


8 years' experience as Yard Managcr-Good Collector and Bookkeeper. Aged 35 years; married. A-1 references. Wire if open now. J. A. Browning, Okemah, Oklahoma.

Lumber Office Man Wants Position

Eight years' experience, wholesale and retail, in Southern California. Knows the trade requirements in both softwoods and hardwoods. Experienced in estimating, looking after orders, shipping, supervising stock records, and general office work. Has a knowledge of bookkeeping. Address Box C-265, care California Lumber Merchint.

Preservative Treatment of Wood Proves Efficient

'"As a result of preservative treatment Of crossties the railroads of the country are getting along with fewer ties per mile of track than in years past, despite the increased traffic," George M. Hunt recently told the research conference at the Forest Products Laboratory.

Statistics show, Mr. Hunt said, that the life of ties treated with preservetives has been so greatly extended that the number used per mile by the principal railroads decreased f.rom 235 in 1905 to 182 1n 1927. "The average life of a crosstie may be extended two to ten times its natural life," Mr. Hunt added, "depending on the kind of wood and the method of treatment." Much of the improvement in preservative treatment of wood is the result of studies made at the laboratory in recent vears.

Now that the effectiveness of pieservative treatment of ties is being realized, the laboratory intends to study the needs of other wood-consuming industries in preventing decay. Auto bodies are frequently seriously damaged by decay; window frames and sash also give trouble in this connection; household refrigerators and refrigerator cars suffer from decay, and there is a growing demand for treated lumber in various forms that may be purchased at the retail lumber yard. Each product piesents a special treating problem, which will receive the attention of the laboratory experts in future studies in the wood preservation field.


Wayne Mullin of the Mullin Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is attending the Optimists' convention at Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr. Mullin stopped ofi at Phoenix en route to transact some business.


John McCabe, Andrew F. Mahoney Lumber Co.. San Francisco, has been sojourning in Southern California. 4fter spending a few days in Los Angeles, he went to San Diego for a short visit. Mrs. McCabe and their children accompanied him on the trip.

HEoneaim of the organization be. hind the long-Bell trade-mark is to put maximum construction oalae in lumber products. fn manufacture, in seasoning, in loading andshipping . to the last detail of production . the Long-Bell or' ganization knows the necessity of infinite watchcare, the better to make Long-Bell trade-marked lumber meet any construction need, builders find Long-Bell lumber dependable and economi cal-a sales point of profitable importance to retail lumber dealers.


Lone-Bell Frames are made of soft-textured, old growth yellow Douqlas Fir. with heart' wood prEdominating, providing a sturdy.durable frame. The michine work is unexcelled. The precision of the workmanshio -assures faster aod more acc-urate assembly on the iob, utitb tigbt fuing joints. LongBell Frames pledge maximsm construction oalte.


The Long-Bell King Door-the door that in a few short years has "set the style" in doors. Inset panel, flush moulding, waterProof glue, excellent workmanship-this door' made throughout of California White Pine, is scong, beautiful and economical.


Beauty, minimum of labor in laying and dura' bility are three important qualifications of Long-Bell trade-marked oak flooring. And, because of these qualities econom!/ The first-time user is almost invariably a rePeat' customer, for experience Proves its economy and satisfaction. Builders are finding Long-Bell trade-marked flooring a tnost valuable home sales aid.



Lxmbermen since t87S

Douclar Flr Lumber. Tinbcrr, Doot and Win. dos-Fmmer, Trimnak: Wertcn Hcmlck bcrr :-southcrn Herdwood Lumba rnd Tim. bcni Oak Floorinr,'CELLized OrL Ftooring

I umber; Wertcrn Red Cedar Siding and Shioclerr Southcm Piae Lumber end Tim.

Strio'r.'CELLizcd-Oak Floor Planke''CELL ized Oak Floor Blockr; Califomia Whitc Pine Lumber. Sash and Doorc, Box Shookr; Cre' oroted Southcm Pinc Lumber' Timb€rs, Posts, Poles, Tier, Gurd.Reil Porr' Pililg.

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