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Changes in Commercial C. A. Mauk Appoints Standards Monthly Committee Chairmen
For the past four years "The Commercial Standards Monthly", has been the medium through which the Division of Simplified Practice, of the Bureau of Standards, United States Department of Commerce, has kept American industry advised of the progress being made in the elimination of waste through simplification and standardization. This mimeographed bulletin summarizes the projects under consideration by industry in cooperation with the Bureau of Standards; meetings held, and wherever possible, the work being done by individual concerns and non-governmental groups in the movement to eliminate waste in industry.
According to an announcement ofMr. Ray M. Iludson, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Standards, in charge of the Commercial Standardization Group, the monthly bulletin, starting with the J,uly 15th, 1929 issue, will hereafter appear as a standard size printed magazine and will be on a subscription basis. The yearly subscription price will be one dollir ($1.00), payable in advance to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
In his announcement of this change I\{r. Hudson stated that Mr. S. F. Tillman, associated with the Division of Simplified Practice for several years has been appointed as the Editor of The Commercial Standards Monthlv. Prior to becoming connected with the Bureau of Standirds, Mr. Tillman uras on the Press information staff of the U. S. Veterans Bureau.
In 1925 he was a member of the news stafi of the Army and Navy Journal, leaving to organize the Army and Navy News Service. In addition to working on Washington and Texas newspapers, Mr. Tillman was one-time managing editor of the Army and Navy Magazine.
Peter G. Geib
Peter G. Geib who has been connected with Lumber Companies in Southern California for three years, died at Carlsbad, Cal., May 30.
the Geib the past
President C. A. Mauk of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association has appointed the following members chairmen of the regular standing committees: Bureau of Information (Credit Department)-M. J. E. Hoban, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Cost Committee-W. B. Eaton, New York City; Arbitration Cornmittee-C. F. Kreamer, Philadelphia, Pa.; Railroad and Transportation Committee -E. G. Garrettson, Springfield, Mass.; Legislation Committee-E. H. Stoner, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Trade Extension Committee-Dwight Hinckley, Cincinnati, Ohio; Joint Committee Manufacturers-Wholesalers-M. G. Truman, Chicagq Ill.; Membership Committee-Charles N. Perrin, General Chairman; Audit Committee-A. C. Crombie, New York City.
All .these chairmen have accepted the appointment and are planning their respective activities.
The balance of the committee personnel is now being appointed and the complete list of committees will be published shortly.
C. M. "Friday" Freeland, representative for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. in the l.os Angeles district, is on his annual tour of the Northwest where he will visit the company's Portland office and mills at St. Helens, Oregon, and Port Ludlow and Port Gamble, Wash. He will return to Los Angeles around July l.
W. G. Kahman, San Francisco, western sales manager for' the McCloud River Lumber Co., attended the Shrine convention at Los Angeles during the week ol Jane 2. While in the Southland he was avisitor at the company's Los Angeles office, where he conferred with L. S. Turnbull, Southern California and Arizona representative.
Guy Male In The East
^ GoI M_a19, _of the Male-Knudson Lumber Company, Los Angeles, leftJune 11 for a five weeks'auto trip throueh the East. He will visit his old home at Ellis, Kansas an? also stop at Chicago and New York.
t{ John C. Light, Norman-Light Lumber Co., Miami, Arizona, was a Los Angeles visitor during the week of lane 2 to attend the Shriners' convention. He also attended the Rotary convention at Dallas and made the tripto Los Angeles direct from Texas. Mr. Light reports that business conditions in his section are satisfactory.
Bill Chantland Returns To Work
Bill Chantland, rpspresentative for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., has been convalescing nicely at his home in Los Angeles following a recent opeiation at the Naval Hospitaf San Diego. IIe plans to ieport for duty again on July 1.