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THE CALIFOR}.IIA LUMBERMERCHANT JackDiorne,prblishu How Lumber Looks
The lumber movement during the week ended Mray 28 continued at about half the volume of the equivalent period a year ago and orders exceeded production by but 4 per cent, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of 624leading hardwood and softwood mills. Production at these milh amounted to 114,5871000 feet and new business called f.or l19r029,O00 feet. Their shipments, L2TrOOSrOOO feet, exceeded the cut by 11 per cent. A week earlier 668 mills produced 1281165,000 feet and received orders for about the saine quantity, while shipments were about 2 per cent above this figure.
Douglas Fir*tzl mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended J$Iay 28 operated at2O.8 per cent of capacity, as cornparedto 23.5 per cent for the previous week and 4.43 per cent for the 'same week last year. During the week 196 of these plants were reported as down nd 125 as operating.
New business received by 216 identical mills reporting to the Association for the week ended May 28 was 5.9 per cent over production..- This group reported production approximately six million feet less than the previous week, while shipments were 15.7 per cent over production. New expotr business was 3r018r754 feet less than the volume reported the week before. New domestic cargo orders were 449r8ll feet over, new rail business decreased 214891474 feet, while the local rade declined 3661743 feet as compared with the previous week's business.
Production, orders and shipments of these 226 mills for the week were as follows: Production 5113831328 feet; Shipments 5g,488rD41feet, and Orders 54r45lr773 feet.
Details of orders and shipments at these mills for the woek follow: Orders-Rail 2O,9461956 feet; Domestic Cargo 2112061523 feet; Expot't 61738,604 feeti Local 5,558169O feet. Shipment-Ratl 231739,310 feet; Domestic Cargo 2116501184 feet; Export 8,5391857 feet; Local 5,558169O feet.
fnventories as reported by 144 mills decreased 9,0O0,OO0 feet from the week ended i&lay 2l and are 18.4 per cent less than at this time last year.
The California market shows no changes., When the new tariff on lumber of S3.OO per M feet goes into effecf it should have an important bearing on'the market. Un sold stocks on the public docks at San Pedrq for the week ended June 8 totaled 5r323rOOO feet, as compared to 5s 5121000 feet for the previoris weeli. Cargo arrivals at thii port for the week ended June 4 amounted to 41861rOO0 feet which included 7 cargoes of Fii carryrng 4,O19,OOO feet, and 3 cargoes of Redwood with 842rOO0 feet. 48 vessels were operating in the California lumber senrice on June 4, with the Missoula operating ofi shore; 63 veseels wet6 Iaid up.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended May 28 reported new business from.11.1 mills 2t)625rAOO fie;t, shipments 2118401000 fegt, and prcduction 2lr472rOOO feet. Orders were lO per cent above production and E per cent above shipments. Shipments wer.e 2 per cent above production.
The Westetn Pine Association for the week repo-rted new business from 113 mills as 28,8921000 feet, shipmgnts r2rLST.OOO feet, and production 3O1677rOOO feet. Orders were 6 per cent below production and 10 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 5 per cent above produdtion; L77 hadwood mills reported for the same week new business as 919401000 feet, or 3 per cent above production and shipments 1110401000 feet or 15 per cent above pro. duction. Production was 9,605,000 feet. * * {< * * *,
The Califotnia Redwood Association reported for the month of May orders received from 11 mills as l2r952rOOO feet, ordets on hand l9r273rOOO feet, shipments l4r204r0OO feet, and production 91311,000 feet.
Details of orders and shipments for the month follow: Orders-Norther'n California 4r883r0OO feet; Southem California 2,642.000 feet; Western 139,OOO feet; Eastern 4,468,000 feet; Foreign 820,000 feet: Shipments-Northern California 6,500,000 feet; Southern California 2r577r0OO feet; Westetn l3TrOOO feet; Eastern 4rO54rO0O:feet; Foreign 936,000 feet.
'-l-t"" Reowooo log rF 'l .\ U/ur accompanying check represents more than a payment on ori account-ii is-an indication of our faith in, and our appreciation oi', the service You render.
I before which the man is standing was 2,000 years old at the time it fell. The overgrowing tree was 2,500 years old when cut. This makes the log 4,500 years old. It is still firm and sound.
We, too, are in a position to offer quality merchandise-backed by dependable Service. Our products are available at your neareit reiail lumber yard. Should you feel the urge to reciprocate in the p-lacing of business. may we suggest thatyou specify California Redzlood when ordering from your lumber dealer' Reciprocity is truly the life of trade.