1 minute read
All Jack Dionne's "Nigg"r" Stories
For nearly 25 years I have kept my book of stories.
Every worth-while story I have told in that time is in that book. Until recently these stories were simply in the forrn of notes. Urged by many friends to preserve them by at least putting them into typewritten form, I have finished typing about half of them-the "Nigger" stories.
Now I am contemplating publishing these colored stories in book form. Haven't quite decided yet just ho,rp to go about it. But I hope soon to have thenr, available to lovers of good stories. I shall call the book, "CULLED FUN."
What a marvelous collection this 25 years of "Nigger" stories comprise I had no idea until I began putting them into type form. It took ninety days just to typewrite them. Thete never has been such a collection of darkey stories. That really isnt bragging because there is not now and never has been available any redly fine collection of colored stories-or any other kind for that matter. The average book of funny stories-and there are scores of thern on the market-is about the saddest thing imaginable.
To keep them from being lost and forgotten I have included in this list a couple of dozen of the very best "Nigger" stories of the World War, that are entirely too late to be lost to the world.
Don't yotr think it would be fun to have every first class negro story that the people of the South have laughed at in a generation available under one cover, told in such a manner as to lose none of their "punch" and life?
Returns From Northwest Trip
W. R. Chamberlin, president of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, returned May 27 lrcm a two weeks' business trip to the Northwest. Mr. Chamberlin visited Portland, Tacoma, Grays Harbor, Seattle and other points, and made the return trip by air, leaving Portland at 1O a. m. and arriving at his home in Oakland just five and a half hours later.
lsouthern Pacific Milling Co. recently pur'chased the yard of the Gilroy Central Lumber Co., Gilroy.