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McCORM ICK PLy\(/OOD ls Going Over Big!

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Incoduced to the trade only a few months ago, McCORMICK PLYWOOD is proving to be one of the livest profit-members of 1932. Here is a specialty item that is an every-month winner.

McCormick Jobbing Department

Gives you Prompt Service

McCormick Plywood is supplied from complete stocks in San Francrsco.

-Every board too%o usable.

-Non-shrinking and non-spliaing.

-Square ends ready to use without hand trimming.

-SVrapped in paper and bundled in pack' ages of ten pieces to the bundle.

-Furnished in widths of 32" and 48" and lengths of 5'to 1O'. /o" thick and sanded 2 sides. Place

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