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West Coast Stockholders Decide to Continue Association

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Seattle, 'Wash., June 2.-Stockholders of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association in session at the Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma, May 31, after thoroughly canvassing the situation within the industry unanimously decided to continue the association and to carry right along all of its principal activities, which include the following: I\Iill inspections of lumber; supervision of members' grades ; issuance o{ mill ,certificates ; re-inspection certificates ; grade-marking ; traf'' fic work; essential statistics.

The action of the stockholders also included a reduction of dues from 1O cents a thousand board feet on shipments, for the combined mill and logging unit to 3 cents; and from 5 cents for the individual lumber manufacturer or independent logger, to ll'cents. This decrease lowers payments by members to the point rvhere the stockholders believe support will be gained from many companies not now members.

A membership drive, led by members of the Board of Trustees and selected members in the various areas of the Douglas fir region, will be undertaken at on'ce, the Association announced, with the objective of securing 80 per cent of the capacity as members within the coming sixty days.

iolonel W. B. Greelev announced his conyiction that the Association could get the required membership at the lower dues basis and that the income would be sufficient to carry along the more essential activities-grading, inspection, certificates, grade-marking, traffic and statistics-during the period of depressed trade through which the industry is now passing.

The meeting was 'called by instruction of the Trustees for the purpose of deciding whether or not the Association should be continued and on what basis of activities' lJnusually low shipments and greatly depreciated values of lumber have had the efiect of reducing income to the Association and in the accumulation of unpaid dues, and the Trustees wanted a clear expression from the stockholders as to what course should be chosen while the Association was in sound financial condition' The feeling at the meeting was, as expressed in the vote, unanimous that the essential activities of the Association should be continued in the interests of the industry, its customers and the public.

Opcns Home Service Departmcnt

A new home service department and display room was opened by the Patterson Lumber Co., Patterson, June 3 and 4, when the public was invited to attend a formal opening. Souvenirs were distributed to all visitors and prizes were distributed to the holders of the lucky prize coupons' Prominent in the display of building material ideas and modern conveniences for the home was a complete Peerless Built-In Kitchen. Other lines prominently displayed were Creo-Dipt Stains, Masonite products, paints, roofing, "Sagi.naw" Shingles, fruit trays, ladders and a complete line of builders' hardware. A. J' Porter is manager of the Patterson Lumber Co.

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