1 minute read
"Otly the Piston movcttt
Y, to 2-inch Drilling Capacity
Weighrc l0 to 20 lbs.
Priced at 1100 and up.
Efectrfc lDrltb' All Slzcl
Pott btG Gr{nderr and Bcach tYIrcr
Goocrete Surtacerl tGrand Ftedblc thaltc and Equl1rncnt
Efectrlc lland Sawr tendem . Pollrhcrc 'Buflen
If r tob cen br donr rith rn dcccic tool<c havc it' contractors and builders, for all types, for building, atrd for residential building, to show seasonal trend:
Best Months in Different Occupations
The Construction Census also shows that in highway, bridge and cuivert work, August and September employed more men in I9D than any other months of the year; October and November for dredging; and July and August for carpeutering under sub-contractors. In each case, January and February employment is the lowest of the year. These classes of construction took more lumber than did any other types in 1929, except building into which went 75 p& cent of all lumber used in construction under contractors aud builders.
Of all construction covered by the 1929 Construction Census, for which nearly 150,000 establishments of contractors and builders reported, 30,597 establishments each doing an annual business of more than $25,000, showed 828,772 as the average number of wage-earners employed $1,467,541,m1 as the amount of wages paid; $2,055,595,482 as cost of materials and $4,794,772,665 as the value of all construction work done.