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Annual Meeting of N. L. M. A.
Postponed to June 30
Chicago, June l4.-Probably the most momentous question ever'considered at any meeting in the 31 years of its history will feature the annual ,convention of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association which will be held Friday and Saturday, June 3o-July l, at the Congress Hotel, Chicago,-that of initiating a coordinated Forest Products Industrial Contr.ol Organization plan in connection with the Natiotral Industrial Recovery Act just passed by Congress. This will include completion of plans for cooperation of the lumber and timber products industries with the Administration and the further ,consideration of the Outline of Code of Fair Competition which was tentatively drawn up and approved at the Executive Committee meeting of the Association in May.
With this 31st annual meeting of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association will be held the first annual meeting of American Forest Products Industries, Inc., and its subsidiary, Timber Engineering Company. Lumber trade extension and promotion of modern timber connector construction will feature this meeting.
To enable the divisions of the lumber manufacturing in. dustry to be established under National Industrial Recovery legislation, to make furthef progress in the formulation of their Division Code Proposals, the annual meeting, at which these will be considered rvas postponed to June 30July 1.
It is suggested that lumbermen attending the convention take this opportunity to visit the housing exhibits at A Century of Progress Exposition and to see for themselves the utility and architectural beauty of the lumber indus-
Virgin Western Hemlock and Cedar on tract 23 square miles, oflicial cruise shows 640,000,(b0 board feet. Located at Kiprino Harbor, B. C. Excellent shipping facilities. Address Rhoda Flynn, 2618 South LaBrea Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Lumberman with general wholesale and retail lumber experience-sales, purchasing agent and yard management. Has been connected with lumber business in Los Angeles and Southern California for past fifteen years. Excellent references. Will appreciate an interview. Paul E. Kent, 5324 Monroe Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Phone Hlllside 2677.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480. Care California Lumber Merchant.
try's house. Plans have been {nade for busses to leave the Congress Hotel on Thursday afternoon, Jane D, at 2 o'clock, for the exposition.
The annual meeting of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association has much significance outside of the lumber group. The tentative outline code of fair competition proposed for the national lumber group, his been aacepted as a model by the National Association of Manufacturers and the Department of Commerce, and many group associations are awaiting the outcome of the Chicago meeting.
A number of forest industry groups are considering pooling their interests with those of the lumber industry in so far as they relate to the administration of the Industrial Recovery Act. A number of groups in the timber products industry are seeking affiliation with the National Association. Southern Oak Flooring Industries (S.O.F.I.) of Little Rock, Ark., has recently joined the National Association and more than 150 new individual members have been enrolled in recent weeks.
Donovan Lumber Company's mill Nb. 1, Aberdeen, Wash., which has been down for some time. was scheduled to start operation June 12.
Wash., started A. B.