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Tournament at Long Bcach June 21
The Orange County Lumbermen's Club will hold their next golf tournament at the Lakewood Country Club' Long Beach, Calif., on Wednesday afternoon, June 21, 1933. The Lakewood Country Club is located on Lincoln Ave., Long Beach, just east of Cherry St' and north of the l,ong Beach airport. Lunch will be served at the Club H'ouse. The tournament will start at 1:00 p.m. All lumbermen are invited to attend.
Recovers From Cold
A. B. Hammond, veteran head of the Hammond Lumber Company, and dean of the Redwood industry, returned to his desk recently after being confined to his home by a cold for about 1O days.
Southern Lumberman Visits West Coast
Allard Kaufmann of the Southland Lumber & Trading Co., New Orleans, La., representative of the Hammond Lumber Company, in that territory, was a recent visitor at the Hammond Los Angeles plant. He also visited San Francisco and some of the Redwood and Fir mills'