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Port Orfordoedar

Port Orfordoedar

How Lumber Looks

Building activity throughout the Pacific Coast in NIal' virtually equalled the sizable volume recorded in May,1937. accorrling to the Westerr-r Building Survey, prepared by H. R. Baker & Co., California investment banking firm.

Reports f.ron 92 cities in the eleven western states atld British Columbia showed a total ol $23,765,019 in permits isstred, compared with $23,6O6;974 in May, 1937. Numbers of individual permits issued were higher this year than last, totaling 13,246 during May as against 12,594 in the same rnonth last year. Los Angeles continuecl to lead all Pacific Coast cities with a total of $6,126,699. Vancouver, B. C.. rvas second rvith $1,612,O45; San Francisco was in thircl place with $1.385,417; Denver, fourth with 91,283,814; and San Diego, fifth rvith $1,@2,640. Other cities according to their rank n'ere. C)akland, Long Beach, Ontario, Sacramento and Portland, all of rvhich reported a volltme in excess of one-half million dollars.

industry is operating at about the same level as during N[ay, 1933, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association reports.

The rnills produced 64,01 1,050 feet during the rveek, at this rate the entire industry produced 40.8 per cent of its average weekly cut during 1926-D.

The nerv business reportecl taken by the mills \4'as 67,746,M feet, and shipments s'ere 70,821 ,928 feet. The unfilled order file stood at 244.173.339 feet.

The Western Pine Association, for the rveek ended June 4, 121 mills reporting, gave nelv business as 50,619,00O feet, shipments 53,991,00O feet, and production 61,887,00O feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 145.155.000 feet.

The California Redtvood Association reportecl llroduction of 13 mills for the week ended l\fay 28 as 7,0@,000 feet. shipments 8,765,000 feet, and nerv 6usiness 6,572,00O feet. Week-end orders on hand were D,704.000 feet.


Dg.!"S the u,eek ended May 28,519 mills produced 177.701,000 feet of harchvoods and softwoods combined; shipped 178,038,000 feet, and booked new business of 171.057.000 feet, accorcling to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional associations.

New business reported for the week by 446 softwood mills totaled 166,422,WO feet; shipments rvere l7Z,3Ol,OOO feet, and prodtrction 172,939,W feet.

92 hardwood rnills for the week gave new business as 9q!,9ry {eet, shipments 5,737,000 leet, and production 762,N0leet.

Production. orclers and shipments by l5l mills ington and Oregon for the week ended June 4, in Washshorv the

The Southern Pine Association, 124 rnills reporting for the week ended June 4, gave new business as 23.468,000 feet, shipments 25,676,W feet, and production 24,78,00O feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 48.437.000 feet.

2O7 new homes lvere started in the Southern California FHA district for rvhich l'HA insurecl loans u-ere approved during the week ended June 3. This is less than cluring the three previous weeks rvhen the average was 295. Loaninsurance applications received at the Los Angeles FHA office during the month of May totaled 2,447 as against 2.278 in Aoril.

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