2 minute read
Wasted \(/arning
The party of tourists got as close to the edge of the precipice as they dared, and stared down into a tremendous chasm far below. Noticing no protective fence or even a sign of warning in front of the dangerous ledge, one of the party said to the guide:
"This is certainly a terribly dangerous corner, so close
Opent Warehouse in San Diego
Announcement is made on another page of this issue of the opening of a wholesale warehouse in San Diego by T. M. Cobb Co., with complete stocks of sash, doors, mouldings and plywoods.
Walter R. Hewitt, who is well known to the retail trade of Southern California, is manager.
The new warehouse is a tile and stucco building at 14th and National Avenue with 6,000 square feet of floor space, and it has good facilities for quick shipment of orders.
This firm also sells Ponderosa and Sugar Pine lumber in carlots, straight or mixed cars.
T. M. (Ty) Cobb, came to Los Angeles in 1922. He has been actively engaged in the lumber business there since 1923. He established a wholesale sash and door business some years ago at 5800 Central Avenue where complete stocks of the items mentioned above are also carried. A steady growth has been experienced both in the Pine lumber department and the sash and door end of the business.
Mr. Cobb plans to divide his time between the two operations. C. L. (Lee) Slaght is in charge of the Los Angeles warehouse. Paul Matthies and G. C. (Ted) Hoyt travel out of the Los Angeles office.
to that deep precipice. Why on earth don't they put up a warning sign of some kind for the protection of visitors ?"
"\l[fell," drawled the guide, "it IS a mighty bad place, and a keerless person might slide over easy like. They did put a sign up there, and kep it there fer two or three years. But nobody never fell over, so they took it down."
Red Book Representative Visits Pacific Northwest
W. B. Downs, special representative of the I-umbermen's Credit Association Inc., left Chicago on r\{ay 31 for a trip through the Pacific Northwest in the interests of the Association's Credit Reporting and Collection Services.
The trip will take Mr. Dorvns to Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota; Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver and Victoria, B. C.; Seattle, Tacdma, Spokane and other points in Washington; Portland, Oregon; Boise, Idaho; Denver, Colorado; and Omaha, Nebraska.
All lumbermen are invited to attend the showing of the latest motion picture of the 'Wesern Pine Association, "Fabricating the Westem Pines," at the luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Lnmbermen's Club to be held in the Engineers Clab, fr6 Sansome Street, San Francisco, on Monday, June 20, at 12:1.5 o'clock.
Back From Hawaii
T. J. Sewell, of the Mill Valley Lumber Company, Mill Valley, and Mrs. Sevn'ell hare returned from a four rveeks' vacation trip to Honoluln.
Plywood fior Boat Building
All America seems to have suddenly become boat-conscious, and herein lies an opportunity for retail sales of boat material. I-umber dealers have been quick to capitalize upon the current whim, converting it into increased and profitable sales volume. Since amateur boat builders in rnost cases are familiar with the waterproof plywoods for boat constrnction, dealers should not be caught uninformed.
Plyn'ood norv being used extensively by both amateur