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Port Orfordoedar

Port Orfordoedar

Uring one pcnel ol plywood lor the botton crnd one for eccb gide, aimplilies boct buitding lor the cnctcur. and professional boat-builders. Not only has it demonstrated its utility for several years past in such features as planking, decking, bulkheads and paneling, but today it is found suitable for almost the entire construction of small craft, and for much construction of large craft.

The Harbor Plywood Corporation of Hoquiam, Washington, manufactures a type of plyrvood knorvn as SuperHarbord, which is guaranteed against ply-separation by its rnanufacturers, and which users testify will not disintegrate in either salt or fresh water, or any lveathering conditions.It is hot-pressed with a cresol-formaldehyde synthetic resin binder, tempered at the mills.

Using the large panels, which are available in stock size up to 5x12 {eet, and in thicknesses from %" toI-3/l€', boat ltuilders are able to take advantage of plywood's inherent stability. Several folding boat manufacturers are utilizing this unique material for the construction of the boats rvhich are so easily compacted and transported by car, yacht, trailer, mule back or airplane. Also, several manufacturers of standard rowboats, tenders and yachts are now employing Super-Harbord for much of their builditrg. This type of plyrvood comes in fir, redwood and lauan for boat building.

The Harbor Plywood Corporation has recently issued a folder with instructions for making a standard rowboat, size 11 ft.6 in., which is available upon request to them.

Calls On Valley Yards

Mark D. Campbell, of Campbell-Moore Lumber Company, Portland, Ore., returned to Portland June 1 after spending a week calling on the yards in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys rt'ith Mort Booth, salesman for the company.

Redwood Shingles Specified

California Redrvood Shingles have been specified by R. Deppe, official government architect, for the $56,000 exhibit building of the Netherlands East Indies government at the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco Bay in 1939. Redwood is used extensively on the. large plantations of the East Indies.

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