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Port Orfordoedar

Port Orfordoedar

Bv Jack Dionne

A nrcnr ncrmed Solomon htrd cn idec-IIE TTIOUGIIT OF A TEMPLE

So he wrote csrother mcnr nqmed Hircrnr cmd contrcrcted lor some MATERLAffi to mcriericrlize thcrt IDEA.

You'll lind the story in cr book cqlled the Bible. Hiram wrote bcrch to Solomon crnd told him thct he would bring the logs by rdt to loppc cmd then deliver lhem on the iob,

There you hcve lhe lirst lunber decl. Solomon hcrd the IDEA, drew his plcns crnd slrcificctions, cnd plcced the order with the mctericrlman-Hircm. The goods were delivered, the Temple wcs built the idec wcrs mcrtericrlized.

And todcy lew people know the ncrme oI Hiram-the mcrteriqlmqn-while lhe nqme oI Solomon, the rran with the ideq. hcrs come down to us lhrough thouscnds ol yecrs crs the mcrn ol wisdom. He wcs the IDEA mcn.

There isn't cr mqn in your town who hcrs the slightest iaterest in LIIMBER except the lumbermqn" cmd his interest ie to see how quickly he cqn get rid oI it.

He buys lunber qnd sells lumber and talks lumber crnd thinks lumber. cnd yet the people he hopes to sell to are not interested in his lumber but rcrther in the things thct his lumber will build.

He doesn't SEII l"mber, cs c mcrtter oI genuine lcct. He simply HEI"PS SOMEONE TO BIIY tT. When c deal ig ncde by which cr decler's goods cnd another mcn'g money chcmges han&, it is becquse aomeone hcs sold thct buyer the IDEA oI building something which the dealer's goods will consbucl He then goes to the decler lor the necesssry equipment to mcrteri<rlize thci IDEA.

He isn't interested in lumber, but he is vitcrlly interested in thcrt thing the lumber will build -the lunction ol it. So ihe decrler's iob is to sell him the idec, lhe desire. He'll attend to the buying himsell.

S. F. Sets New Mark in Home Construction

A statistical report just issued by the San Francisco FHA office shows a total of. 1,192 mortgages for the Ncirthern California district for the first five utonths of 1938. The total exceeds by more than $1,00O,000 the 12 months' record of 1937, and the 1938 total also exceeds the entire cornbined totals for 1935 and 1936.

Since inception of the Federal Housing Administration insured mortgage system, mortgages have lteen selected fr.rr appraisal on 8013 San Francisco homes for a total of $39,826,100. Of these, the following were said to represent new construction, an index to local home building activities:

1935_175 mortgages, amottnting to.... ...$1,093,500 |g3ffigzrnortgages. :rmottnting to....

1937-869 mort€{ages, amottnting to.... ..

1938 (5 months,)--l ,192 mortgages, amounting to 6,509,900

I\{ortgages selected for appraisal in 46 cottnties of northern California since insured rnortgage financing became available through local private' lending institutions rvere said to ntrtnber 32,641, ior a total of $143,927,6C0.


Ed Biggs has joined the sales.staff of A. L. (Gus) Hoover and will cover the Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Fernando Valley and Kite territories. Ed is well known in Southern California lumber circles rvhere he has been connected rvith the lumber business for the past ten years. He was formerly with E. K. Wood Lurnber Co. Mr. Hoover is Southern California representative for The Pacific Lumber Company and Wendling-Nathan Company.

Retail News ltems

Lathrop K. Leishman, Crorvn City Lumber & trIill Co., Pasadena, and Mrs. Leishman, are in the Northrvest. They attended the Rose Fe:rtival at Portland, Ore., ancl lisitetl Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Leishman also will attend the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce cont'etttion at Oakland.

Merritt Hull, Hull llros. Supply Co., Los Angeles, will attend his class reunion at Wesleyan TJniversity, Litrcoln, Neb.

Borverman Lumbcr Company, Glendale, is building a ne!\' Iumber shed at its plant.


The wholesale lumber business established by the late Grover C. Gearhart rvill be carried on by Mrs. Alice Gearhart under the name of the G. C. Gearhart Lumber Compay, r,vith oftices as before at 100O \\'-. Sixth Street, l,os Angeles.

Her son Frank W. Gearhart rvill be associated rvith her in the business arrd mills represented r,vill include Redrvood Manufacturers (iomi'any, of Pittsburg, Calif., and Jamison Lumbcr & Shingle Company, Everett, Wash.

Mrs. Gearhart has had considerable experience il.r the lumber business. She worked before she rvas married for four years in the office of her father rvho ran the Ainsrvorth I-umber & I\lill Company at Orange, Clalif., fot many years, and for the last )'ear aucl a half rvas in the office rvith IVIr. Gearhart.

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