4 minute read
The Plan and the Buildins Merchant
By Jock Dionne
We renember the first set oI retail lumber plcn books we errer scrw, qnd how splendidly lhey irnpressed us.
We remember the liret editorial we ever wrote boosting cnd recommending the use oI plcm books lor retcil building merchcrnts, at c time when lew declers hcrd ever seen one.
And we crlwcrl's feel cr Eort ol pride ol owaersbip when we lind the relciler mcrking prcrcticcrl use oI his plcrn boolcs io increcrse cnd improve his business.
Right clwcrys triunphs, crud todcrl' the plcn book depcnbnent is c lundamentcl depcrtnent of the retqil lumber business lrom ocecrn to ocecrn" cnd from lhe GuU to ihe Arctic Circle.
And it hcrs not been entirely the use of building plcras thct the plcur book erc hqs ushered into the retcil lumber business. The big thing ii hcrs done hcrs beeu to help develop the Gospel ol Senrice in every wcry.
With plco boolcs ccme the genercl thought of MERCIIANDISING buildings. And merchcndising hcs mecmt live publicity, intelligent cdvertising, business crecrtion crrd solicitction" with cll the thousand cnd one interesting things thcrt attend the giving of retail senrice.
There cne still aome nen who rail ct the Gospel ol Building Service, iust cs $ere Grr€ metr who rcil ct the Gospel ol the Brotherhood of Mqrr"' cnrd in both ccses it is the result oI unwise thinking, cnd beluddled preiudice. That c mcn shcll prolit crccordiag to the service he gives the world, is c lcrw thct iE older thcn the solcrr system, curd as unbreqkcrble qs lhe law ol grcrviiction.
The development oI the plcn book business has been the development of the retail building mcrterial business lrom the drecrry wagon ycrd to the modem retcril building service etcrtion. It h<ts given the retciler cr mighty business club to work wiilr" crrd the results hcve been both prccticcl crnd inspiring.
For this recson we hcrve consistently boosted the plcn business, cnd will continue to do so.
"Aslc crrd ye shcll receive" scith the Scripture. But the right sort oI csking is more thcm the mere mumbling ol words. And the lunrber decrler who is using cll his wits crnd his energies to ASK his trqde lor business, cnd crecting cr, loundction lor his requests by cttcining c prolound understcnding oI their needs, (and equipping himsell without stint to SEBVE them cnd those necessities), is the kind oI crn ASKER that is genercrlly cr RECEI\IER.
Increase in Small Home Building Beneftting Lumber Industry
Washington, May ZZ.-"Lumber as the most widely used material of home building is sharing in the benefits of the continued imrpetus given small home building by both public and private projects," says the 32nd quarterly report of the Lumber Survey Committee to the Department of Commerce, released today.
Calling low-cost housing progress the "brightest promise of improvement in the lumber trade," the Survey says many large projects are under way and that private enterprise home building aided by improved mortgage financing is gaining headway.
"The National Small Homes Demonstration, Inc., a cooperation of leadi.ng building and building material industries, initiated by the lumber industry, has been an effective nationwide means of popularizing interest in small homes and of pointing the way toward important improvements in design and economies in cost."
The increase in small home building reflects the improved position in lumber consumption, including exports in the first quarter of. 1939, being estimated at 5.5 billion feet and for the first six months at 11.5 billion feet, or l7/o above the first half of 1938. However, it is nearly 4O/o below the first six months ol198.
Total national lumber stocks at the mills as of April l,1939, ryere approximately 8.0 billion feet, compared with stocks on January l, :1939, of 8.4 billion feet, and 8.2 billion feet on April 1, 1938, says the report. "Although lumber stocks are not excessive, they are inadequate in some items and grades in some regions, especially in the face of any large increase in demand."
Mrs. Annie Abernethy, mother of Miss Mary Abernethy, secretary to A. B. McKee, Jr., of the San Pedro Lumber Company, Los Angeles, passed away June 5. She was born in Scotland.
She is also survived by two sons,. James and Ronald Abernethy.
Funeral services were held at the Wee Kirk o' the I{eather, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. Tune 7.
Mrs. Lillian May Loveday, mother of R. H. I_oveday, proprietor of the Loveday Lumber Company, Los Angeles, passed away on June 2 at her home in Alhambra.
She had been a resident of Los Angeles nearly all her life, and was a member of the Eastern Star, Shakespeare alumni of the Wednesday Morning Club, and La Reina Calasia Book Club. She also leaves her husband, George Loveday, and a grandson, George Bliss Loveday. Funeral services were held Tune 5.
Newr Flashes
Val Verde Lumber Company has opened a new yard 143,1O Calvert Street, Van Nuys, Calif. Harold Kibbey ma,nager.
at is
O. V. Wilson, president of the Central Lumber Company, Stockton, was the guest of his employes at a dinner in the Clark Hotel, Stockton, Saturday evening, May N. The company will observe its twenty-first alrniversary next fall.
Edendale Lumber Company, Angeles, recently erected a new will be used for office quarters. manag'er.
1763 Glendale Blvd.. Los building on its site which Fred Clark is owner and
King Lumber Company, Delano, is making an addition to its office building. Rol Riddle is manager.
Coming from behind with seven runs in the last two in.nings, Arizona Sash, Door & Glass Co. team won a 11-5 victory from O'Malley Lumber Company team in a major division City Night Softball League game on the University Park diamond, Phoenix, Ariz., Monday evening, May 25,
E. A. Middleton, Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs. Middleton are vacationing in Southern California.
Pressure Treated Tumber
Exchcnge senice{ecler's untrocted luber lor our Chroncted Zinc Chloride gtocl plur chorge lor trecting.
Treclhg deqler'g om lunbeemill ship- E€lta lo our docl or lruck lots lroE decler'a ycrd.
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