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Nationcl-Americcrn Annual Meeting
At the 53rd annual meeting of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, held in New York, the directors re-elected the following officers: president, J. Lou DuPlain, Rockford, Ill.; first vice president, Titus W. Ilager, Grand Rapids, Mich.; second vice president, W. T. Turner, Spartanburg; S. C.; treasurer, William Schuette, Jr., New York; secretary, Sid L. Darling, New York.
C. J. Fisher was reappointed assistant secretary at New York, and Paul C. Stevens was reappointed Western manager at Portland.
G. F. Bonnington, I-amon-Bonnington Co., San Francisco, was one of the directors appointed to serve for a three-year term, expiring in 1948.
New Arrivcl
A son, Charles Babbit White, Jr., was born May 15 in Alameda to Lieutenant Chas. B. White and Mrs. White' This makes two boys and two girls in the family. Lieutenant White, who is in the Navy on CYE94, Lunga Point in the Far East, is a son of C. Harry White of White Brothers. hardwood dealers, San Francisco. He was the firm's purchasing agent when he entered the service several years ago.
$200,000 Fire Dcrmage at Decoto
Fire said to have been started by a welder's torch at the New Colma Mill & Lumber Co., Decoto, Calif., destroyed the planing mill and several thousand feet of lumber, damaging the office building, machine shop and box shed, June 3. Damage was estimated at $200,000.
Buys Westport Mill ProPertY
Announcement has been made that Shepard & Morse Lumber Company, of Boston, Mass., has purchased the property of the Westport Lumber Company at Westport, Ore. This mill had been scheduled to close on May 15' J. P. Cornell, Portland manager of the Boston concern, advises that the present operating stafi at Westport will continde, including Lester J. Harding as manager, and Howard T. Lydick as superintendent. Shepard & Morse have always operated their own steamships in inter-coastal business, and also operate mills at Alfred and Washburn, Maine.
L. M. Clcryberger Bcrck On lob
Lester M. Clayberger has resumed his position as advertising manager of the paints and building materials division of Parafiine Companies, Inc., San Francisco, following 28 months' service, of which he was 20 months overseas, in the Pacific area, with the Navy Seabees. He had the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and was in charge of a construction battalion.
Scrn Diego Hoo-Hoo Meeting
The San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club held a meeting at the San Diego Club, San Diego, Friday evening, June 1. George Rony was the speaker, and he gave an interesting talk on "Russia and the World Tomorrow." Orrie Hamilton, Frank Park and Ed Martin also made brief talks. Lysle Seibert lead the group in singing, and Pauline Gleason was the accompanist on the piano. The committee in charge of the arrangements included Charles Hampshire, Justin Evenson and Mearl Baker. Cliff Roberts presided.
The Test of Time
Tells the $tory
Right from the stort, Ross Cqrriers crnd Lilt Trucks eqrn for their owners-goin voluqble timespeed hondling in scores of wcrys. But the losting proof of their volue comes from veteron Ross I]eet owners such qs West Side Lumber Co., Tuolumne, Colif. For yeors this progressive mill hos relied upon Ross equipm.ent.
And now-when equipment must stcnd up os never before, Ross reliqbility is poying odded dividends to owners through extro service under todoy's trylng conditions. Include dependoble Ross equipment in your post-wor plons. lVrite Ior Bulletin LM-65 todoy.
Appointed Sales Manager
S. W-. Antoville, vice-president and director of sales for LTnited States Plywood Corporation, announces that Edr,r'arcl J. Marclney has been .appointecl sales manager of the company.
Mr. Maroney has just returned to U. S. Plywood after a leave of absence during which he served as a Lieutenant in the United States Navy, Production Division, Bureau of Aeronautics.
Prior to entering the service, Mr. Maroney was manager of U. S. Plywood's Irhiladelphia operations. He has been with the company eleven years in its sales department, and previously had been sales manager of Jarnesto'ivn Veneer & Plywood Corporation, Jamestown, N. Y.
Hcs Army and Ncvy Contrcrcts
Paramount Built-In-Fixture Company, Oakland, is employing a full force of men working a 48-hour wtek ing cabinets, shelving and fixtures for the Army and One contract is for 500 kitchens for Navy personnel itg.
Bill Nish Back With Wendlins-Nathan Co.
Major Wm. H. (Bill) Nigh, who was with the Army Air Force for more than three years, and was recently stationed at Headquarters, Western Defense Command, Presidio, San Francisco, has received a medical discharge, and is now back with his old firm, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco.
New Yard in Pittsburg
The Diablo Lumber Company of Antioch has announced the opening of a modern building emporium at Pittsburg where they will carry all types of lumber and building materials. The company's slogan is "Everything for the Builder."
Lewis Silvera and Earl McClintock, the owners, have been residents of the district for a long period, and have been partners in business since they started the Diablo Lumber Company in Antioch six years ago. Mr. Silvera is a member of the Rotary Club of Pittsburg. Mr. McClintock spent twelve years with the Redwoord Mantifacturers Co. of Pittsburg, and prior to that was with the Hammond Lumber Company in Los Angeles for twelve years.
makNavy. Mills Stcrt June 4 hous- Thomas Sawmills, Twain Harte, June 4. Hallinan Mackin Lumber Calif., started operation Co.. San Francisco. are Charles l\llurra is general manager of the company. exclusive sales agents.