1 minute read
ds ?/sed fo, Exterior Stucco
II THEREVER a permanent watertight job is required in exterior !! construction specify Riverside Plastite Cement. Plastite con. tains all the chemical and physical properties of ordinary portland cementi in addition, its plasticity and waterproofing qualities make a mortar or concrete mix more workabler and assure a pemanent prro, tection from water penetration
Plaetite ls used ln the con structlon of wallr, baee. mente, flooro, tunnels, swim. mlng pools, reservoirs, and all exterlor workwhere per. manent rellEtance to watef is deeirable.
Concrete or stucco in which Plagtite ie used grows harder, more dense, and impenetrable with age. Plastite is especially adapted f& exterior plastering constryction in that its increased plasticity allows the plastering contractor to easily apply Plastite moftar without the addition of any other lubricating agenL Plastite is superior to other types of integral waterproofing because there is no material inPlastite to work outward to deterioratc ot discolor the surface under severest weather conditions.
Marnufacauasot"Plastitc'\aBeat"rf#";;Z:#,'PortbtdCenent,atvd 724b. Spring Street LOS ANGELES TRinitv 5951
California Lumber Merchant -
Roy Stanton went to Flagstaff
OstenEibly to attend tfre
Arizona Lumberments Convention
He had thitty days' notice that ThiE advertisement went To Press June twenty-second but Took the copy with Him in place of his Golf glubs tfie gang he Left in charge can not Write anything Much less congrahrlatorY Mesrages.
We know he appreciates tfie Service the California Lumber Merchant Renders the Trade and wishes to Congrahrlate Jack Dionne that hard-yOld Warrior of the Golf Links and Storv Teller de Luxe on this the fifth Aruriversary of a live Lumber Paper and Hope you may celebrate Your f[i*v-nfth birthday and ttrat it will Afford you as much Pleasure aa ourt just Past.

P. S.
If you need any lumber-before Roy Stanton gets back Call AX 921r
P. P. S.
Sometimeg we rell a little Flooring
Sometimer a few Panelr
Alwa5ze. large quantitiee of Hardwoodr and carloads And trainloads of Sugar and White Pine.