2 minute read
H. J. Anderson
Metal Sash And Frames Replaced By Wood In Numerous Instances
That the swing back from metal to wood sash and frames is well under way and likely to become a runaway if properly assisted by the wood pushers, is evidenced by the numerous instances creeping into print every day in some part of the country or another, where the metal was found impractical from a wide variety of reasons. Every time a fire hits a metal frame, and it curls and jams the window, there comes a roar. And every time a fire hits a metal frame it DOES curl and jam, giving fine chance for the kick that is coming.
It is reported on the best authority that in many cities of the North and East they are taking metal sash and frames out of the public schools, and replacing them with wood. They find many objections to the metal sash and frames for schools in northern climates. The metal conducts heat and cold, while wood does not, and it requires much more fuel to heat a building with metal sash and frames than it does where wood is used. Also, it is difficult to weatherstrip a metal frame and sash, and it makes the building cold in winter.
The case of the Staley Manufacturing Company, of Decatur, Ill., who replaced twelve hundred windows with wood sash and frames after trying metal, has been widely published.
It DOES look as though there were a swing back from metal to wood in this particular, and it seems to be a field where some intensive -merchandising for wood might accomplish much.
Roy Stanton Visits El Paso
Roy Stanton, of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, has just returned from a business trip .to El Paso. He attended the big Arizona retail convention at Flagstaff, and then went to El Paso where he spent the week, conferring with business connections in that territory.
(Continued from Page 110) great tribute to Redwood that such marvelous cffects have been secured.
Other beautiful jobs in this beautifully finished, sand blasted Redwood that have been done by these same architects and decorators are:
The Studebaker Show Rooms, Long Beach,
Buffums Department Store, Long Beach.
Office of Robert Dollar Steamship Company, Los Angeles.
The Little River Redwood Company, of San Francisco, have recently done some beautiful office rooms in this same character of decorations that are beautiful to look upon.
(Continued from Page 119) thinking ahead of their time. Far from its being a question as to whether the Millwork Institute is inadequate to solve the problems of its members-it bids fair to become the avenue whereby the problems of mass production, more economical distribution, proper investment, balanced returns, and the co-related fabrication of wood productswill be presented to the members of the Industry withiq the State in exactly the same manner that the technical force of a gigantic corporation presents this information to its Board or Directors.
It only remains to be seen-if the members of the Institute have fitted themselves to make the wise decisions that will make the California entity in this Industry the leading one of the Nation.
The next tri-annual, July 28th and.29'th, promises to be the greatest in attendance, program, and plans for the future. A wonderful variety of topics and reports will be presented. All those interested in lumber in any way are invited and urged to attend.
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