1 minute read
Lookirg Back on the kduood fuIarket
'Tw o Te ars A go the California Redwood As s oci atio n undertook the task of telling the public the Story of Redw99d,-a -story that we knew would solve the problem of demand, once it had firmly gripped the public mind.
-One Tea, 4go a complete advertising campaign, supplementedby new plan books, afarmbuilding series, and a wealth ofinformation on Redwood was offered to the public. Prospects were referred to Redwood dealers, and Redwood dealers to prospecrs.
^ lToday stocks of Redwood are much reduced, prices are firmer, consumption greater. Inquiries are pooring in at the rate of zOOO a month. Scores of dealers have written r1s s-a1ing that prospegts refered to them are increasing their business. The job is well begun-let's complete iC lYe anant you to sbare this business
Dealers stocking Redwood are supplied withthematerialadvetised, as w-ell- as Tany other helps such as letter inserrs, yard and job signs, technical information, mountain cabin booklet, etc.
_ Use the Coupon below for securing your complimentary copy of the R-rowooo sarns MaNuar. It contains valuable informatiron on dozens of native woods, including Redwood. You need it for reference.