4 minute read
Modern Dry Kiln Practice Followed by California Sawmills
By Joe Steel Moorc Dry Kiln Co.
The lumber operators in California are amongst the most progresve in the countrv. when considering their drv kiln facilities for sea- when their dry Jor sive in the country, when consrdenng tor sonins their lumber cut. Notwithstandins the sunshine which pre- soning their lum sonrng lumDer cut. 1\otwltnstanolng tne vails ill over California, the modern mills have found dry kilns a distinct advantage in connection with their operations, and are-all installing the most modern and effiqient dry kilns obtainable. Several larce hills in the Redwood section have taken advantage of the recint lutl in the tumber market and are now making extensive alteratigns and, improvements for seasoning a larger percentage of their lumber cut. and Sugar Pine lumbei. By employing an efficient internal fan recirculatins svstem, a large volume of air can be handled in these Moore culating Kilns utilizing a low m, motor horse power input. With a large air rercitv. it is possible to secure lumber drying on very low circulating capacity, possible temperature schedules, closely approaching outside air seasoning, es- temperatule peciatly during the first part of the kiln drying period. These low pecrally the qrylng perloc. I nes€ Iow iempeiature sihedules are particularly of benefit in seasoning shop and clear oine lumber which has a tendencv to develoo degrade due
Moore's Internal Fan system of kiln has been installed by many of the large pine lumber operators during the past year or two. Moore's kilns have been found particularly adapted for drying California white and clear pine lumber which has tendency develop to brown stain, in case too fast temperature schedules are used. The Sugar Pine Lumber Company. Fresno, California, have found that it is practical to season high grade sugar pine in their Moore's Internal Fan I(lns.
The large redwood mills who have installed Moore's Internal Fan ' System of kilns have found that it is practical to season heavy r9$wood lumber, which heretofore has not been permitted to be kiln dried because of excessive degrade due to "collapse" which has followed when this heavy lumber has been dried in ordinary type dry kilns with less circulation. They also can secure improved quality of qua drvinq on their licht stock. on shorter drvins schedules. drying on light stock, drying
The Moore Dry Kiln Company has developed special type kilns for ktlns tor the Hammond Lumber Company, Samoa, California, and The Pacific Lumtrer Co.- Scotia. California. These kilns were designed for hand- Lumber Co., Scotia, lins lumber packages which are delivered to the kiln by monorail sys- teri. Because of difficulties in building tapered in monorail rre tne Klrn Dy tapered tem. of packages, which are stacked on the green chains, a kiln design has been worked out which has eliminated the use of the central flue. By a new arrangement of Moore's Interrral Fan Kiln (covered by pat- ents and patents applied for) a circulation has been developed which carries thi air acroii the fuli width of the load. By having a reversible motor installation, the direction of the air can be changed across the load. This kiln system is proving much more practical from the lumber standpoint and is also giving a more rapid and controllable circulation and drying rate than any other type of kiln that has been used in the past. ln order to make the kilns stand up under moistyre and tannic icid, which are liberated from the redwood lumber during the drying process, and also meet the salt water conditions which obtain at Samoa, the fan duct system has been built of reinforced concrete and special aluminum fans have been furnished. The Pacific Lumber Cohpany, Scotia, Calif., are also converting 19 of their old tvoe kilns into Moore's Reversible Circulation Internal Fan Kilns. - The large sawmill operators in California have been paying more attention to improved lumber handling systems for reducing costs of stacking and unstacking lumber for the kilns. The Moore Dry Kiln Company, who are western agents for the Leitelt Iron Works, Grand Rapids, Michigan, are supplying Leitelt Lumber Lifts with special appliances for stacking and unstacking dry kiln truck loads of lumber. The modern trend of stacking lumber for kilns is to flat-stack the lumber.
The larger mills are fnding it a paying investment to install the most modern and efficient dry kilns possible for seasoning their lumber. Careful check of kiln drying costs versus air drying costs show that at the larger operations the actual cost of kiln drying is less than air seasoning. The grade of drying that can be secured in modern kilns is also better than can be secured from air seasoning, where drying conditions are not under control as they are in a dry kiln. With installation of labor saving devices in connection with stacking and unstacking lumber, also power transfer cars for moving trucks of lumbet, and charging and discharging kilns, it is becoming more and more evident that kiln drying of a larger per cent of the lumber cut will soon be the practice followed by the majority of the sawmills.
The Moore Dry Kiln Company, operating factories at North Portland, Oregon, and Jacksonville, Florida, have been making careful surveys of the various sectional lumbering regions ol the United States with the idea of developing dry kilns, also lumber handling systems which are most suited for meeting the needs of the millmen. Moore Dry Kiln engineers will gladly furnish you information on modern type of dry kilns.
Although a pioneer in this territory, this firm is continuing to grow. It grows in useful experience, in ability to serve, in knowledge of building requirements and in all those physical and mental things that spell satisfaction to you,
'A Busincg lnrtitution of Trained Spccialirte, Bandcd in Coopcrativc Effort, to Givc the Roteil Dealcr the Highcrt Poriblc Quelity in Serh and Door Productr, rt th c Right Conrirtcnt Priccr, with Intclligcnt Scrvicc.t'