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P,ICIFIC Prr.urooD on industry flntless posstlifims
'!The maling of plywood it at pneleot a mort modert burinecs both in number of men and in the amount of cepital engaged in it, but the future opportuniti* are alluring and attractive.
ttVhat opportunity is gteater than a crafte' manrhip thaimeet the exacting world demands of ultimate ctrength, in combination with beau' ty on sound basir of economy, utility and al' most limiders durability?"
From Page 326"Veneers. and Plyzuood."
By E. Vernon Knight and Meinrad ll'ul1ti.
The Future Is Boundless
In 1924,159,OO0,(DO square feet of Pacific Plywood were produced. In 1926, production incrcascd to 27O,(XX)'(XX) square feet. Here is a gain of over 1(X)'(XX)rOO0 square feet in two years, but that gain is insignificant in the light of the possibilities.
The future of the Plywood industry will be as great as the imagination and enterprise of its producers. It is an industry of potential development to stagger the imagination.
Uses For Plyvood Are Endless
No one har yet made a lilt of all the user for Plywood. With strength, beauty, utility and economy ar itr virfires, Plywood has developmentc ahead'of it that are tremendour.
We know that carloads of Plywood go east regularly to automobile maker, Ve &now it 6ts into a thousand hourehold and furniture use!. But ar yet Plywood ic not half appreciated nor understood by the people.
Storld Markets Avait
The world can use Plywood in innumerable ways. Thin!,-it is used in making the perambulator that talec baby out for itc airing-it is a part of the airplane that carries Lindbergh acrors the Atlantic. A west coect factory in one mail receivcs an order from a motion picture studio in China and from a ship buil&ng concern in Germany. Plywood needs a Columbur to dircover iti continent of uses and apocdes to carry to all nations the gospel of its virtues.
Possible Outlets
ft is estimated that if one-fourth of the retail lumber dealers of the United States were to stock Pacif,c Plywoods it would teep I{ere is an oudet un- every west coast plant up to capacity. I{ere developed that should by all naturd dghtr be aII be opened for the smooth fow of a lumber product from producer tirough the re- tailer to the consumer. This one oudet, propetly developed. this propetly would- insure the stability of the plywood indu*ryjnd this -outIet is but one of the many.
Source Of Prosperity
If all the virtues and uses of Paci6c Plywood weje made lnown the result would be a flow of wealth to the pacif,c Coact outrival- ing every year all the goid of Alaska since Alaske rv." di* covered.
The backbone of Pacific Coast plywood panels is Lauxein gl re.- Selection and rigid testing of our raw materials togethet witft controlled plant practice insures uniformity for every batch. Lauxein is waterproof-*oft on saws and-kniveseasily spread-stands all climatic conditions. Panels glued with Lauxein meet all industrial re-