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' Incoquated uder the lawr of Callfomia
J. C. Dime, Pres. and Treu.; J. E. Mrtin, Vie-Pres.; A, C. Merrymm, Jr., Say. Publighed the lst md 15tt of each moth at 3lE-r9-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAL, TELEPHONE, VAndike ,r5d5 Entered u Secmd-cls mtter September 25, lgt2, at the Pctoffie at Lc Angelea, Cslifdnnr' mder Act of Much t, 1t?9.
Subrcription Price, $2.1X) pcr Ycar Single Copicr, 25 centr each.
How Lumber Looks
Lumber looka a little better rhan it did two weeks ego, in ttre Loo Angeles distrlct erpecially. The rtocks on hand at the Loc Angeles dookr have been reduced to jut about normaln and there h evidenced a dightly improved derire to buy in thir dirtrict. There is no price change in any wood invading Southern Cdifornia.
Buitding in all of Southern California ie good. The building permits of Lor Angeles will pasr ten million for June, there will be fully 135'fiD,O(X) feet of lumber from the North unloaded at the Loc Angeles dockq and the rtockr on hand there have been reduced, ro ltere is nothing wrong witih the building rituation.
Southern Hardwoodr are holding the rarne pricet as huo weeks ago. In the Northern part of the flood dLtrictr rhipmentr have picked up, the mills being ensaged in warh' ing and drying their lumber stocks. It ir reported that the increare in production ir very rlight. Loggihg and milling conditionr are not yet back to norrnal
Hardwood buying ir very light, eveqnvhce. The trade ir holding back, waiting for the pricer to come down, and the millr are holding to their rtocks, waiting to get their pricer. Which will win remainr to be reen Of courre, the pricer are going to drop rome day, the question ir, when? The millr reem to believe that lumber will be rcarcer in another month than it il now, and ttat food pricer will last for rome time. The trade ir going without hardwood and waiting. That's the rituation.
The Sou'thenr Pine millr of the South have produced a slight fraction more than they rold since the firrt of the year. The Douglar Fir milb of tfie North have rold a little more tfian they have cut !o far trhis year. California Pine and Redwood have both eold more than they have cut up to now.
The rituation in Northern Califomia rhowc no definite change io at y wood in the part two weekr.